Google introduces new, more convenient page zoom feature on Chrome Android

Google has just announced that the company is testing a new accessibility feature for the Chrome app platform on Android.

As the world's most popular web browser platform, Chrome is constantly being updated, refined and added new features to best serve the tastes and needs of users.

Google has just announced that the company is testing a new accessibility feature for the Chrome app platform on Android. This is basically a feature that supports page zoom, allowing users to zoom in on the display in a specific area of ​​the screen for easy viewing or manipulation, as well as zoom out to display more. more screen content.

This feature is not new, but is being improved by Google to provide a better user experience. The tweaks will mainly focus on the ability to scale text, making it easier for users to view and manipulate text on their phone screen.

Picture 1 of Google introduces new, more convenient page zoom feature on Chrome Android

As can be seen in the gif illustration above, this feature will appear as an option under the page info menu. It's important to note that Chrome will automatically remember the zoom level you set on your last visit, and apply that zoom level to all subsequent visits to the same site, very convenient.

Because it's in beta, this feature is currently available in Chrome Canary as a flag for the following:

Picture 2 of Google introduces new, more convenient page zoom feature on Chrome Android

Before you enable this flag to experiment, be aware that activating and testing the flag may lead to unforeseen risks. For instance, they may not work correctly and negatively impact your browser's performance. However, this doesn't really happen often.

Update 11 October 2021


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