Fujifilm wants to make Medium Format cameras even cheaper, smaller and lighter

Fujifilm is truly a pioneer in bringing cameras to more users!

Medium Format refers to cameras that have sensors larger than Full-frame, and used to be very expensive, out of reach for most photographers. But that was the story before Fujifilm Japan launched its Medium Format GFX-series product line.

Picture 1 of Fujifilm wants to make Medium Format cameras even cheaper, smaller and lighter

Fujifilm GFX50R

Fujifilm GFX50S, GFX50S and finally GFX100S are all highly configurable, with large sensors but at significantly lower prices than other options from Phase One or Hasselblad, not to mention the compact design. and lighter hand, bring great mobility. But it seems that Fujifilm still doesn't want to stop there, it even wants to make big sensors that are cheaper, smaller and lighter.

In a speech to cinema5D , Fujifilm manager Toshi Iida was asked about the company's next moves to compete with full-frame models on the market.

Cinema5D: "Full-frame cameras are cheaper now, so will Medium Format cameras follow this trend in the future? And if this type of camera can replace Full-frame cameras for for good filmmakers? "

Mr. Toshi Iida replied: "Of course we all know about the challenges that come from our competitors. The GFX50 series has also had a very pleasant price since its launch, showing that we want to bring the camera. Medium Format is coming to more users. And for this trend to continue in the future, we will also produce GFX models with lower prices, more compact and lighter. "

Picture 2 of Fujifilm wants to make Medium Format cameras even cheaper, smaller and lighter

Fujifilm is determined to launch only APS-C and Medium Format cameras, not 'dynamic' with Full-frame in the middle

Last year, the company announced that it would never launch full-frame cameras, but focus on APS-C and Medium Format, a type for those who take entertainment photos, semi-professionals and a series of cameras. Premium for photographers and professional filmmakers.

As a comparison, Sony's most advanced full-frame camera, the Alpha a9II, costs $ 4,500, exactly the same as Fujifilm's GFX50R. But compared with the auxiliary features (the ability to focus, film, .) Sony is still in 'upper projection', moreover also has the advantage of size and weight (673g compared to 775g).

But if Fujifilm can fulfill its promise in the future, Medium Format cameras will be able to compete directly on price and style compared to rivals with smaller sensors. Once Fujifilm does this, it is likely that other manufacturers will also have to follow suit and produce Medium Format cameras, the ultimate beneficiary will still be users!

Picture 3 of Fujifilm wants to make Medium Format cameras even cheaper, smaller and lighter
Update 13 April 2020


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