This message is displayed only when you try to trash a file or folder larger than the size that the trash can save, or there is not enough space in the trash.
If you get this error, use the 2 solutions below to fix it.
The cause is said that in the trash is not enough space and the file you want to delete is larger in size. The simple solution is to just open up the trash, delete the files that are no longer needed to free up memory. Remember that once deleted from the trash, it will be difficult to recover. So choose carefully.
Fix 'These Items Are Too Big To Recycle' error on Windows 10 Picture 2
Delete unnecessary files in the trash
Step 1: Right-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and select Properties.
Fix 'These Items Are Too Big To Recycle' error on Windows 10 Picture 3
Open the Trash Properties dialog box
Step 2. In the Recycle Bin Properties dialog box , select the drive containing the file you want to delete and receive the above error. In the Settings for selected location section , select a larger capacity.
Fix 'These Items Are Too Big To Recycle' error on Windows 10 Picture 4
Increase the capacity for trash at the required drive
Step 3: Click Apply to finish.