Facebook allows searching information in status

The long-awaited user experience has finally come true when they can now look up content from the statuses posted on Facebook.

The long-awaited user experience has finally come true when they can now look up content from the statuses posted on Facebook.

"You told us that the most important thing is to be able to find old posts that you've read before. Now everything is possible," said Tom Stocky, vice president of Facebook search. , write on the blog.

Picture 1 of Facebook allows searching information in status

Search results with the keyword "daisies" and "December".

Sometimes, users want to find a sentence that their friends share on social networks last month. However, because that post has been posted for a long time and too many other content obscures, retrieval will be time consuming and in many cases "impossible".

Recently, Facebook has updated its search engine for desktops and applications on the iPhone, making it easier to find old information. Facebook is deploying new features to English accounts. Because there are more than 1 billion members, this process may last several weeks to several months.

If you're lucky to be among the first to use this feature, users only need to enter the word or phrase they want to search into the search bar as they usually do on Google. Facebook's system will display all posts that contain that keyword.

Users will only see posts that friends share with them or public posts (public)."Therefore, each search result is personalized and just for you," Stocky explained.

Previously, Facebook only implemented Graph Search to allow people to search for members, places and photos. The new feature will become a "powerful" tool and will make Google worry because Facebook is a social network with specific members, so the classification of user information is more effective than Google. . Besides, Facebook is a particularly rich repository of information, where more than one billion people regularly share and update data. There are 240 billion photos and one trillion connections among members.

Picture 2 of Facebook allows searching information in status

Users will receive a notification that they can search for specific posts, instead of just searching for members like before.However, this feature has not been implemented for all user accounts.

Picture 3 of Facebook allows searching information in status

For example, when entering "dentist" keywords, they will read all posts including status, photos, videos . that mention this word.

Picture 4 of Facebook allows searching information in status

Similar to "interstellar".

Picture 5 of Facebook allows searching information in status

Or "Ferguson".Photo: TechCrunch.

Update 25 May 2019


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