Easy access to Google Bookmark in Chrome

In this article, I will show you how to easily access, add and manage your Google Bookmarks account in Chrome using the BoogleMarks extension.

In this article, I will show you how to easily access, add and manage your Google Bookmarks account in Chrome using the BoogleMarks extension.


At the beginning of the installation process, you will see a confirmation message window. You then need to click 'Install' to finish adding BoogleMarks to Chrome.

Picture 1 of Easy access to Google Bookmark in Chrome

After the extension finishes installing, you will see the new BoogleMarks Toolbar icon and a notification about managing options for the extension.

Picture 2 of Easy access to Google Bookmark in Chrome

The only way to access the options for BoogleMarks is through ' Chrome Extensions Page ' .

Picture 3 of Easy access to Google Bookmark in Chrome

There are several other options for BoogleMarks. You can select ' Folder Divider ' name to use for ' Unlabeled Bookmarks Folder ', ' BoogleMarks Icon Images ' and ' BoogleMarks Folder Images '.

Picture 4 of Easy access to Google Bookmark in Chrome

BoogleMarks 's way of working

When you first open the BoogleMarks window, you will see that it is white. Note that three commands appear at the top of this window.

Picture 5 of Easy access to Google Bookmark in Chrome

Click ' Reload ' will display all your bookmarks in 'Folder Groups' based on the label you have chosen for your bookmarks.

Note : If you have not signed on to your account, you will be asked to do so.

Picture 6 of Easy access to Google Bookmark in Chrome

Clicking on ' Folder Groups ' will open them as shown here, clicking on each bookmark will open that URL in a new tab. To collect 'Folder Groups', click on them.

Note: Each time you reopen the drop-down window, your bookmarks will automatically be recorded to make browsing from the beginning to the end easy.

Picture 7 of Easy access to Google Bookmark in Chrome

Clicking ' Manage Bookmarks ' in the drop-down window will open your Google Bookmarks account in a new tab.

Picture 8 of Easy access to Google Bookmark in Chrome

Clicking ' Add Bookmark ' in the drop-down window will open the ' Add a bookmark' tab so you can enter all the relevant details for your new bookmark.

Picture 9 of Easy access to Google Bookmark in Chrome


If you are waiting for an easy way to access your Google Bookmarks account while browsing in Chrome, you should experiment with this extension.

You can download this extension here.

Update 25 May 2019


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