Instructions for installing extension for Chrome on a computer from a smartphone
Google has no intention of bringing Chrome's extension (extension) to its mobile device browser. So, if you are browsing the web on smartphones (both Android and iOS) you find a great utility for Chrome and want to install it for the desktop without having to turn on the computer, follow the instructions below.
Instructions for installing extension for Chrome on a computer from a smartphone Picture 1
How to install extension for Chrome on PC from smartphone
Step 1: Use the Google account you are using on Chrome desktop to login to Chrome on mobile devices.
Step 2: Find the extension you want to install on your mobile device.
Step 3: When you find the extension on the Chrome online store, click on Add to Desktop .
Step 4: In the new window that appears, click the green Add to Desktop button.

Step 5: On the next time you open Chrome on your next computer, you receive a message saying that an extension has been installed remotely.
Instructions for installing extension for Chrome on a computer from a smartphone Picture 4
If extension requires you to grant it certain permissions so that it can work, click Enable extension button.
Instructions for installing extension for Chrome on a computer from a smartphone Picture 5
You can share useful utilities for your friends by clicking the Share button next to the Add to Destkop button and sending them via email.
If you do not want to install extension right away, you can email yourself to save.
Instructions for installing extension for Chrome on a computer from a smartphone Picture 6
See more:
- Quickly fix the 'Your connection was interrupted' error on Chrome
- Speed up loading web pages in Chrome with Fastr extension
- Instructions for organizing hundreds of open tabs in Chrome follow a separate column for quick access and management
You should read it
- How to Install Bitmoji Extension for Chrome
- How to install Google Chrome extension on new Microsoft Edge
- How to quickly turn off gadgets, apps, themes on Chrome
- How to install Chrome extension on Android
- Google 'tightens' the installation of the extension on Chrome browser
- Listed 15 Chrome Extension for programmers
- How to check the extension using J2TEAM Extension Checker
- Extension Police, an extension that helps protect Chrome from malicious extensions
- How to install the Chrome utility for Firefox
- How to hide the extension icon on Google Chrome
- How to open an AMP website on Chrome
- Chrome adds a warning when an extension takes over the Internet connection
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