Download Viber for computer, laptop

In addition to online communication software used for chatting or free video calls such as Zalo, Messenger, Viber is also a quite popular software. If you want to use it on your computer, follow the instructions to download Viber for your computer below!

Currently, in addition to online communication software used for chatting or free video calls such as Zalo, Messenger, Viber is also a quite popular software. These software are tools that help us shorten the distance, through the Internet to communicate with people anywhere in the world in a very simple way. If you have used a Smartphone, you will know this extremely useful free messaging and calling software. And now the Viber version for computers has been released to help you connect with more people. If you do not want to use Viber on your smartphone, you can download Viber for your computer via the link in the article below of Hanoicomputer.

Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 1Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 1

Main functions of Viber application

Viber is one of the chat software currently used by many people, especially young people with a bright interface and an interesting feature system. Viber application on phones as well as PC supports the following main features: 

  1. Call, text, video call 100% free.
  2. Search, share images, music, GIFs, locations, events, . without leaving the chat conversation.
  3. Information security is always guaranteed with End-to-End encryption, so the security will be extremely high.
  4. This application has a rich and unique sticker and icon store.
  5. Allows removing messages before they are viewed (like Facebook and Zalo)
  6. Sync call history and chat with the phone's operating system. The application can allow to transfer calls from PC to phone quickly.
  7. fast 
  8. Create chat calls with unlimited number of participants (like Skype app)
  9. Create short recordings of your conversations instantly.

Download Viber for PC

You can download Viber to your computer or laptop using the 2 links below.

Viber for PC WindowDownload Viber for computer, laptop Picture 2Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 2

Viber for MacDownload Viber for computer, laptop Picture 3Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 3

Install Viber for PC, laptop

After downloading the Viber installation file to your computer or laptop - double-click on the installation file (ViberSetup.exe) to start the program > press Run to start the installation.

Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 4Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 4

At this time, the Viber installation panel will appear. Select the Install box to automatically install the software. 

Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 5Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 5

After installation, you can change the language to your liking. The current version of Viber supports Vietnamese - you should choose Vietnamese for ease of use. If you do not want to change the language, you can skip this step to use the default language of English.

Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 6Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 6

Now you can log in to Viber on your computer with your phone number and start using it.

Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 7Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 7

In theory, to install and use Viber software on a computer requires users to also install Viber on their mobile devices to receive messages containing the software activation code on the computer. This means that users must own a smartphone to be able to install and use Viber on their computers.

Therefore, to activate Viber on your computer, you must first install Viber on your phone. If you do not have it, you must install it through the App Store (for iOS) or Google Play (for Android). After successful installation, select 'I have installed Viber on my phone'.

If you already have Viber installed on your phone, you can activate and sync with Viber on your computer by scanning a QR code. On the Viber app on your phone, tap the 3-bar icon in the top left corner of the screen, select QR Code. Then point the camera at the center of the square on your computer to automatically scan.

Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 8Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 8

Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 9Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 9

Immediately, the dialog box below appears. You will choose to copy and send the link you copied to a note or chat box of an application on your phone to be able to open and activate this link. 

. Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 10Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 10

After completing all the steps, you choose to open Viber. So you can complete the installation of Viber for laptop.

Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 11Download Viber for computer, laptop Picture 11

Now, after opening Viber on your computer, all information about your contacts and chat history of Viber between your computer and phone will be synchronized. You can contact your friends immediately after completing this step.

Above are the complete instructions on how to download and install Viber for computers that Hanoicomputer wants to share with you. With a laptop that supports webcam and automatic mic, you can make video calls like on a phone. But if your computer is a desktop that does not support those peripherals, you can only use the normal chat feature. If you want to make video calls via Viber using a desktop computer, you must equip it with a Webcam and microphone as well as headphones or external speakers. 

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