Do you really need a gaming router?

Demand for games always requires the best hardware to get the best experience. But sometimes, this is also unnecessary.

Demand for games always requires the best hardware to get the best experience.But sometimes, this is also unnecessary.64GB RAM also doesn't help you shoot headshot easily in Counter-Strike.So is a WiFi router dedicated to gaming necessary?

The real answer is: No.The key to online games is not the raw speed (or bandwidth itself) of the connection.Fast speeds will be useful if you download something large or have multiple people accessing high bandwidth content at the same time.

But for high-speed online games, what you need to consider is low latency - the time the signal goes from your computer or game console to the game server and vice versa, also known as 'ping'. .

Picture 1 of Do you really need a gaming router?

Ping is the number to consider when playing online games

Good routers can improve latency but only to some extent.With an indoor network, there is rarely a connection faster than 30 milliseconds, typically 50 to 100 milliseconds.A better, faster router can improve the speed from your network modem to your computer / game console, whether via WiFi or Ethernet connection.But it does not help to connect from the network server to the game server.

Even if it is possible, it is difficult to see the benefits of having a connection with a delay of less than 30 milliseconds.The average human reaction time with visual stimuli - imagine it as the brain's FPS - only about a quarter of a second (250 milliseconds).

Olympic athletes can reach 100 milliseconds (ie one tenth of a second).Normal players play shooting games, fighting can react faster than others, especially with in-game options.But even when doubling normal people, it is no more than possible to connect 100 milliseconds, the minimum number of high-speed games.

If the network connection is low, the game will lag, it is natural.Even if you use gaming routers with the size of $ 400 with the ability to configure traffic or VPN connection separately to the game, it will not help you.The best option is to switch to another network.

That doesn't mean expensive routers are useless.Many expensive routers have additional Ethernet ports so that there is no need to switch ports, antennas more, better for broader WiFi reception areas, more installation options, even more radio waves to duplicate coverage. Waves on high-speed wireless networks.

All of that can improve network speed, make more efficient use of high-bandwidth connections (over 100 megabits per second) or use tools like Steam Link to stream high-speed video.They are also suitable when connecting with hardware, helping people to have fun.

But if you want to find a router that has certain benefits when playing online games, don't be guilty of buying a $ 500 while the $ 100 is still good.

See more:

  1. Restart the router and modem properly?
  2. Summary of the best Wi-Fi Router devices
  3. Instructions for choosing the right Wi-Fi router
Update 24 May 2019


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