Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

This is an explanation of Aphelios LMHT skill kit and instructions for using this new and difficult skill set.

The skill set of Aphelios - the new champion in League of Legends this time is quite special and also very complicated when he has up to 5 different weapons with one Q and R skill. Usually we only describe the skill kit of the generals In short. But Aphelios is different when his skill set is "unlike anyone".

And it also requires gamers a lot of skills, concentration, agility, sharpness and requires gamers to be very disciplined. You can see the details of Aphelios LMHT skill kit below.

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Details of Aphelios skill kit

  1. Mechanism of action of Aphelios skills
    1. Aphelios's weapon
    2. Instructions on how to use the Aphelios skill
  2. Detailed skills Aphelios LMHT
    1. Caliberum rifles
    2. Severum Blood Pistol Severum
    3. Gravitum's Great Cannon
    4. Infernum Inferno Flamethrower
    5. Sublimation of Crescendum
  3. Aphelios skill interface

Mechanism of action of Aphelios skills

Aphelios's weapon

Picture 1 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

Aphelios holds a lot of items in his body with 5 items and will alternate his 5 weapons, each with a different basic attack. Aphelios will attack with the main weapon, but will switch to the secondary weapon with the W key as needed.

Picture 2 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

He could not choose to use two weapons at a given time. Each weapon of Aphelios will have 50 bullets (called the Lunar Bullet) and when the ammunition runs out, it will switch to the next weapon. As for items that have just run out of ammunition, they will be moved to the end of the line, waiting to be loaded.

Picture 3 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

Because Aphelios can switch between primary and secondary weapons, the order of weapons will vary depending on which player wants to use the weapon first.

Instructions on how to use the Aphelios skill

To use the skills of Aphelios, gamers only need 3 buttons Q, W and R only. Where W is the ability to switch between the main and secondary weapons, so the remaining Q and R keys will be to use his skills.

Picture 4 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

Specifically, each weapon of Aphelios will have a unique Q skill when selected as the main weapon. These Q moves will have effects based on each weapon currently selected. All Q skills will consume ammo and energy, along with independent cooldown. That is, you can use the Q of the weapon you are holding, then change to another weapon and use the Q of the newly changed weapon.

Aphelios's Q will be automatically learned at level 2, and it will gradually strengthen towards the end of the game. Aphelios's ultimate, the Leading Light will fire a moon-moon magic ball and will explode when it touches the first enemy and deals damage around it.

Picture 5 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

Next, he will continue with empowered attacks from his main weapon on all enemies affected by the blast. Aphelios's R skill will automatically learn at level 6 and then will be updated at level 11 and level 16.

Because Q and R skills automatically learn, gamers can use skill points to add to other stats instead of increasing skills such as Attack Speed, Attack Power, and Armor .

Detailed skills Aphelios LMHT

Caliberum rifles

Picture 6 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

Calibrum will be a specialized weapon to poke / harass, it will increase base range.

When a skill deals damage with Calibrum, it will mark the target to be damaged. From here, Aphelios can right-click on the marked enemy anywhere on the map to launch an attack from his secondary weapon (or a weapon other than his Calibrum, in the school). in combination with Aphelios to change Calibrum to secondary weapon before executing attack).

This attack will detonate nearby points to inflict additional damage on the initially marked target. To make it easier to understand, you can see below.

  1. Picture 7 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios
    Calibrum Q - Sniper : Shoots a projectile of bullets, dealing damage to the target and marking it.
  2. Picture 8 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios
    Calibrum 's Moonlight Effect: Continuous Moonlight's attacks will mark targets that have been hit. These marked spots will deal more damage when activated.

Severum Blood Pistol Severum

Picture 9 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

Severum is a weapon that will help Aphelios recover a portion of the damage this weapon deals. The extra amount of blood will create a small shield for him.

  1. Picture 10 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios
    Severum Q - Attack Damage: Buff adds movement speed and constantly fires bullets from both primary and secondary weapons to the nearest enemy but gives priority to the enemy champions. Attacks from Attack Damage have the same effect as a normal attack, but the damage will be partially reduced.
  2. Picture 11 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios
    Severum 's Moonlight Effect : Severum 's Moonlight Effect will heal Aphelios.

Gravitum's Great Cannon

Picture 12 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

Gravitum's Great Artillery is a pretty useful weapon when it has the ability to slow down and control the enemy well.

  1. Picture 13 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios
    Gravitum Q - Lunar Strike: Deal damage and root all enemies on the map that are slowing Gravitum.
  2. Picture 14 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios
    Gravitum 's Moonlight Effect: Gravitum's continued attacks will greatly slow the enemy.

Infernum Inferno Flamethrower

Picture 15 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

Infernum Inferno Gun will be an AOE skill weapon that deals large area damage. It will deal additional damage with basic attacks and skills and spread in a cone behind the target.

  1. Picture 16 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios
    Infernum Q - Fire Wave: Fires a wave of fire and deals damage to the enemies it hits, followed by attacking all opponents with secondary weapons.
  2. Picture 17 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios
    Infernum 's Direction Moonlight Effect : The attack that continues the Moonlight's Lead will deal damage to the target with flames instead of the cone-shaped attack on the back.

Sublimation of Crescendum

Picture 18 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

Aphelios's only melee weapon in his list of items and acts like a boomerang. When hit with the Crescendum, he will not be able to continue fighting until it returns to him.

But when it returns it will immediately recreate the attack, the attack speed will be replaced by the flight speed of this boomerang. The closer it gets to the target, the faster it can fly Crescendum.

In addition, when the ability or successive attacks deal damage with the Crescendum, it will create an additional copy of each target hit, increasing the damage for subsequent attacks of Crescendum.

  1. Picture 19 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios
    Crescendum Q - Watchtower: Creates a gun turret and deals damage to the nearest enemy with the attack of the secondary weapon.
  2. Picture 20 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios
    Crescendum 's Direction Moonlight Effect : If hit by fewer than three targets, the Moonlight's follow-up attacks will still have increased damage as if they hit 3 targets.

Aphelios skill interface

Picture 21 of Details of Aphelios skill set and instructions for playing Aphelios

  1. Issue 1. The power of Aphelios will explain all players' questions about his skills.
  2. Number 2. The main weapon in use and the number of Aphelios current ammunition, if that 50 is zero then this weapon will be transferred to the queue.
  3. Number 3. Skill Q of the main weapon
  4. Number 4. Secondary weapon and the remaining ammunition, if the Q of this secondary weapon is in cooldown, here you can also see the remaining time.
  5. Issue 5. The next weapon will be received if one of the current weapons runs out of ammo.
  6. Number 6. R - Moonlight Effect The weapon is currently in use.

It seems that gamers will spend a lot of time with Aphelios to be able to use his skill set. And this will be a big challenge for all League of Legends players. Aphelios will be available at Summoner Rift in this upcoming version 9.24.

Update 26 November 2019


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