12 phrases absolutely should not be said at the company

Please refer to the examples mentioned below - words that should be avoided so as not to hurt colleagues and also help you become closer, more professional.

One thing is certain that you will encounter when working for any company, especially in the period of integration in the country today, that is teamwork skills . Besides, professional rules (p rofessional etiquette ) are also of certain importance when working in the same group. In order to make your team strong and united, in addition to professional working environment, you must also have a professional style and behavior.

On the Bright Side page that is always looking closely at how to behave politely and friendly to others, you should consult the examples mentioned below - the words to be avoided so as not to hurt colleagues and also help you become closer , more professional .

1. "It's not my business"

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Why not say that : Because when someone needs our help, but at the same time we don't have free time, we often say bluntly: " It's not my job ", then choose to ignore the request for help. However, it is unfortunate that this is a sentence that you should definitely not say. Because that statement not only makes your colleague feel hurt but also worsens your image in your co-workers' eyes, they will think that you are a selfish person who only takes care of yourself and doesn't have Teamwork spirit.

Instead try saying : " You try asking him / her . to see"

2. "But we still do it that way!"

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Why shouldn't you say that: Most companies now, especially companies with thinking or art related fields, will not like to hear you say this. You are simply afraid to change because you appreciate previous experiences and are unsure about how the new way will help your job? It is good, but you should also remember that the company always needs thinking and creativity to make new things. So there is no reason for you to avoid daring ideas, as well as flexibility at work.

Instead of rejecting the new plan, ask your co-workers to explain to you why they said that plan was better. For example: " Can you explain to me why it is a better option? "

3. "I can't do anything more"

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Why not say so : Perhaps every time you feel there is nothing you can do or you find yourself running out of ideas and not knowing which option is feasible, don't worry, reassure yourself by yourself. Say " I can do it " and try again. This is a better way for you than to sit down and accept failure.

If you feel stuck , try to find a little help, maybe a suggestion of a colleague will help you " brain clearance "? Say: " I'm stuck. Can you help me find a solution? "

4. "I'll do it in just a minute"

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Why not say it like this: It's best not to say this, because how can you make sure you can arrange everything and they will go smoothly as you wish in just a minute? Obviously you're just trying to reassure your colleagues as well as yourself. However, that does not mean you are planning to deal with it right away.

Instead, try saying: " Remind me for a little while! " Will be better and make your colleagues and yourself feel more secure .

5. "This doesn't make sense"

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Why not say so: In this world, almost no one is perfect, we can all make mistakes, but don't rush to any conclusions at all. Because perhaps the points you have not fully understood about it, instead of ignoring it, try to find a different way to think about it, maybe you have a good idea too great.

Try it i: " I'm not sure about this. But tell me why it's the best choice! "

6. "You are wrong!"

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Why not say so: Usually we talk without thinking, which inadvertently violates office rituals and hurts colleagues. Next time, instead of saying it so bluntly, justify your opinion, but remember it is gentle because no one wants me to be criticized right?

You can say this : " I don't agree very much, because . ", giving your opinion slowly will help people feel much more comfortable.

7. "I'm sorry, but ."

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Why not say so : You know why, rarely do we think before saying " I'm sorry " and often end my sentence in a short, unconvincing way. Perhaps it is because we ourselves regret something unclear. And sometimes, you or I still advocate for myself every time I make a mistake, blaming the situation almost becomes a habit.

Instead of explaining or justifying yourself, you just need to say: " I'm sorry. Next time, I'll try . " that sounds a lot more pleasant.

8. "I simply thought that ."

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Why not say so : Any ignorance can lead to mistakes. So don't assume or imagine that what you think is right. Instead, find out exactly what you need to avoid mistakes and expand your understanding!

You should ask your colleague : " Can you explain to me why I need to do that? "

9. "I did what I could"

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Why not say so : This is a very important thing that you need to pay attention to, because this statement will diminish your value and make your peers highly underestimated about you. While still at school, teachers still teach us to do as much as we can. However, when trying hard but not enough, don't give up, because we can still learn more from it.

Instead, try saying : " How can I do it better next time? " Don't limit yourself, because you can do more than you think.

10. "You've done everything wrong"

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Why shouldn't you say that: Do you like being criticized by others? Probably not. The other person too, what you don't want to happen to yourself, don't do that to others either. It's easy to criticize others when you're unhappy, but it's not a good way to hurt others and hurt their will.

Instead, try saying more positively: " This is not good, next time try . "

11. "Maybe I'm wrong, but ."

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Why not say so: Have you ever had an idea but were afraid of being rejected by others? Don't underestimate yourself, try sharing that idea with your colleague, maybe your idea will succeed.

Just say : " I have an idea like this . "

12. "I don't have time"

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Why not say so : There is a lot of work to be done, while the deadline is about to be due, and you still haven't sorted out the priority job? Better yet, complete the work crisis by offering a specific time ( relative ) rather than giving a reason why you're spoiling the plan.

Instead try saying : " I'll finish it at / about . "

13. Three ways to correct mistakes

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When I wish that if I hadn't said or done something to my colleague, try the following 3 ways to fix the mistake:

  1. Apologize sincerely :Please apologize sincerely and try to correct it by compensating for what you have made others sad or confused.
  2. Saying that you really don't want to hurt them :Admit your mistake and promise to show your attitude more gently.
  3. Explain to them what you really want to say .

Certainly in today's life, one of us must meet many people, have to communicate and build relationships. In order to keep good relationships not only in the working environment but also in daily life, people should pay close attention to their behavior. Always be sincere in relationships that not only help you have good friends and colleagues, but also make your values ​​much more beautiful in their eyes. Hopefully 12 phrases absolutely should not be said when the above company will help you have effective and good communication ways.

Refer to some more articles:

  1. Say "Thank you" instead of "Sorry" when doing something wrong
  2. 7 things successful people never say
  3. 21 things you should not say in the first meeting

Having fun!

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