Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 1
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 2
Figure 13
Figure 14
Step 2 : Draw the wheel
- Draw the tires : draw an ellipse, fill it with black and rotate 10 degrees (Figure 15).
- Drawing braces : from the ellipse to create the upper case, draw 9 ellipses with the same center in order of diminishing (Figure 16).
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 3
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 4
Figure 15
Figure 16
- Select the fourth ellipse from the outside, select the Shape Tool for the gear shape (Figure 17).
- Select the 9th ellipse for the line is 0.85pt.
- 8th image coloring C: 8, K: 10.
- Figure 7 shaded black.
- Figure 6 shows the Fountain (Figure 18).
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 5
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 6
Figure 17
Figure 18
- Figure 5 coloring C: 8, K: 10.
- Figure 4 shows the Fountain (Figure 19).
- Figure 3 black.
- Figure 2 for the line is 0.85pt.
- Figure 1 shows the Fountain (Figure 20).
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 7
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 8
Figure 19
Figure 20
- Arrange shells and braces (Figure 21).
- Attach a new wheel to draw on the front part of the car, draw more water barrier.
- Draw the thickness of the wheel (like the seat drawing, using the Interactive Extrude Tool command) (Figure 22).
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 9
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 10
Figure 21
Figure 22
- Drawing the rear wheel of the car is similar to drawing the front wheel (Figure 23).
Step 3: Decorate outside
- Drawing on the trunk of the car behind, painting Fountain (Figure 24, 25).
- Draw the wind-up part of the vehicle (Figure 26).
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 11
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 12
Figure 23
Figure 24
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 13
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 14
Figure 25
Figure 26
- Draw the wind-up part on the side of the car.
- Draw the ellipse, select the Shape Tool, make the right head slightly smaller than the left, turn to the right 10 degrees.
- Create an ellipse again from the top ellipse, select the Shape Tool, and fill it as shown in Figure 27.
- Choose the Interactive Blend Tool, drag from blue to black, draw the upper and lower borders to create a recessed feeling (Figure 28, 29). (Continue)
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 15
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 16
Figure 27
Figure 28
Coreldraw 12: Drawing sports cars (continued) Picture 17
Figure 29
Lam Khe