• Returns the pointer from the function in C ++

    Returns the pointer from the function in C ++
    As we have seen how C ++ allows to return an array from a function, similarly, C ++ allows you to return a pointer from a function.
  • C ++ exercises have solutions (sample code) for variables, data types, and operators

    C ++ exercises have solutions (sample code) for variables, data types, and operators
    In the previous C ++ exercises, TipsMake.com introduced, you were acquainted with many types of lessons, from simple to complex. In this C ++ exercise, we will become familiar
  • C ++ exercises about IF ELSE

    C ++ exercises about IF ELSE
    In the previous C ++ exercise, we introduced you to read C ++ exercises about variables and data types. This time, there are 8 C ++ exercises about IF ELSE for you to practice and
  • Comment in C / C ++

    Comment in C / C ++
    Program comments are interpretations, which you can include in C / C ++ code, and make it easier for anyone to read the source code. All programming languages ​​allow certain
  • Data type in C / C ++

    Data type in C / C ++
    Data type in C / C ++ While working with any programming language, you need to use various types of variables to store information. Variables, nothing but memory locations are
  • Variable type in C / C ++

    Variable type in C / C ++
    A variable provides named storage so that we can manipulate. Each variable in C / C ++ has a specific type, which determines: the size and memory layout of the variable; The
  • Variable scope in C ++

    Variable scope in C ++
    We will learn what functions and parameters of functions are in the next chapter. Below we will explain the concept of local variables and global variables.
  • Hang (Constant / Literal) in C / C ++

    Hang (Constant / Literal) in C / C ++
    Constant involves fixed values ​​that the program cannot change and they are called literals.