Be wary of antivirus software 'anti' virus

The Rontokbro computer worm virus has the ability to steal Windows IDs and make unstable computers discovered in October 2005, so far there have been many dangerous variants and are spreading very strongly in computer networks. of Vietnam.

Picture 1 of Be wary of antivirus software 'anti' virus
The Rontokbro computer worm virus has the ability to steal Windows IDs and make unstable computers discovered in October 2005, so far there have been many dangerous variants and are spreading very strongly in computer networks. of Vietnam.

File containing Rontokbro worm infects operating systems: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003 in the form of dispersal send its copies in e-mail attachments. Rontokbro uses Microsoft's directory icon to trick computer users into opening it.

In particular, Rontokbro has the ability to "lock" an existing anti-virus program on the computer, while preventing infected computers from accessing anti-virus software websites such as Bkav, Symantec and Trend Micro. Rontokbro even forcibly shuts down the window of search sites when typing commands such as "rontokbor" or "anti-virus" . This makes it very difficult for those who want to update the new, or single, antivirus version. Simply find out information about this virus.

Network security experts recommend that an effective way to prevent and kill Rontokbro is to turn off full share folders on your computer before scanning with newly updated antivirus software.

Update 26 May 2019


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