Apple sued a software company for creating an iOS emulator application on a web browser

Apple recently filed a lawsuit against software company Corellium because it created an iOS emulator application on its web browser.

Apple recently filed a lawsuit against software company Corellium because it created an iOS emulator application on its web browser. The Apple, Corellium has infringed copyright for illegally copying iOS operating systems and applications running on iPhone and iPad, from code, graphical user interface to icons.

Corellium's application allows users to create and interact with virtual iOS devices to hunt for security vulnerabilities. If a security vulnerability is found, the researcher can see how long the vulnerability has survived by uploading old iOS versions to check.

Picture 1 of Apple sued a software company for creating an iOS emulator application on a web browser

Apple believes that Corellium's real goal is to profit from blatant copyright infringement. Corellium's application was not designed to help fix vulnerabilities because the company did not ask researchers to report their findings to Apple but encouraged them to sell to anyone who paid the highest price. on the market.

Apple said the purpose of the lawsuit is to end the illegal commercialization of Corellium for its valuable copyrighted products rather than concealing "goodwill" security studies.

Apple wants a permanent ban so that Corellium cannot continue to provide iOS platform emulator products and must destroy all infringing documents they have collected. In addition, Corellium must pay damages, including lost profits and attorney fees to Apple.

  1. The iPhone can be hacked with just one message without requiring user interaction
  2. See only the battery status of the iPhone if you replace the original battery
Update 19 August 2019


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