All knowledge about Android operating system

Do you really understand everything about the Android operating system? If not, let's explore this 'national' operating system through the article below!

Surely all of us have heard about the Android operating system. Despite accounting for more than 50% of the market share worldwide today, not everyone really understands this operating system. Therefore, in the article below, TipsMake will provide you with all the knowledge about the Android operating system, the advantages - disadvantages and differences of Android and iOS. 

What is Android operating system?

Android is an operating system created from the Linux platform , mainly for mobile devices with touch screens such as smartphones and tablets.

Unlike Apple's proprietary iOS operating system, Android has open source code and is the most commonly used operating system today.

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Origin of Android operating system

Initially, Android was researched and developed by Android Corporation with the financial support of Google. This software was created for users of mobile devices with touch screens, including tablets and smartphones.

Then, in 2005, Google acquired this operating system and officially launched it to the public in 2007. On October 22, 2008 , the first smartphone with the Android operating system, HTC Dream, was released. and attracted a lot of attention from technology enthusiasts.

Android continuously holds the leading market share today

Because it is an open source operating system and does not have many constraints, many technology device manufacturers, mobile networks and programmers have used, adapted and freely distributed the Android operating system. . And thanks to that, Android has taken the top position in terms of popularity in the market today.

According to information recorded in the third quarter of 2012, up to 500 million devices using the Android platform were activated and 1.3 million activations per day. This figure brings the total market share of Android operating system up to 75% and turns Android into the most popular operating system worldwide. 

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In particular, by the end of 2012, there were 700,000 applications created on the Android platform and the number of downloads from Google Play reached 25 billion . Particularly in Vietnam, the Android operating system still clearly shows its superiority, accounting for more than 60% of the market share according to data published in 2020.

Although Android is facing fierce competition from Apple's iOS and a small part from Windows Phone, this operating system still clearly shows its position by always leading the market share of the world market in general and the market. Vietnam in particular.

Android interface and applications

Android's interface and applications have many unique features that make them different from other operating systems.


The Android operating system has an interface built on the principle of direct impact. Users will use operations such as swiping, touching, stretching and retracting on the touch screen to perform tasks as well as handle objects on the screen.

After booting the device with the Android operating system set up, the device's main screen interface will display widgets and icons . In particular, users can easily arrange icons and utilities according to their preferences.

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Not only that, some applications available on Google Play also support users in changing the theme of the main screen interface. You just need to go to Google Play to download and select to create a personalized interface. Normally, manufacturers and carriers will often change some details such as the shape and behavior of the device to create a brand mark compared to other brands on the market.

In particular, in order to bring the best experience to users, Google always listens to customers and releases more completely improved updates every 6 - 9 months . Most smart devices can receive updates via wireless waves.

As of recently, specifically at the end of 2021, Google has released the Android 12 update as the latest upgraded version today.


On Google Play - Google's online application store, third parties will upload applications that allow users to download them easily. You just need to go to Android CH Play to search for the necessary application, then download and update to use. 

That's for the free app. Particularly for paid applications, users are required to purchase the application to be able to install it on their device. In particular, Google has a refund policy after 15 minutes if you buy it but feel dissatisfied with the application.

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By October 2012, on Google Play there were more than 700,000 applications with 25 billion downloads . This number has now reached 3 million applications and is expected to increase further by the end of 2022. 

Android applications will be programmed in Java language with the Android SDK software development kit. SDK includes: software libraries, debugging tools,. along with maximum capacity to ensure it fits the needs of each device. In addition, this operating system also has other built-in development tools, such as the original development kit for applications. 

Advantages and disadvantages of Android operating system

To have the most comprehensive and objective view of the Android operating system, TipsMake has compiled the outstanding advantages and disadvantages of this operating system here:


  1. Extremely 'huge' application store: As mentioned above, at Google Play there are up to 3 million applications, meeting all users' needs from studying, working, entertainment, and gaming.
  2. Diverse and rich in designs: Most devices from 'big names' in the market such as Samsung, Sony, Nokia, Oppo, Huawei. all use the Android operating system. Thus, users can choose the model they like best based on their budget and preferences.
  3. Impressive memory that can be expanded via memory card: With the iOS operating system, you can only use the memory available in the device. But with Android, users not only use available memory but can also expand memory with high-capacity memory cards.
  4. Allows customization and editing without restrictions by Google: Because Android is an open source operating system, anyone can get this source code. Thus, you can easily customize this operating system to your liking for the highest performance or remove features that you think are redundant.
  5. High number of users, great popularity: The Android operating system has a huge user community and independent programmers. Therefore, you can receive support from the community if you encounter problems or have any questions related to this operating system.

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However, along with those outstanding advantages, the Android operating system still has a few disadvantages as follows:

  1. Many applications running in the background cause the device to stutter and lag: In terms of RAM memory optimization, Android seems to still be a bit inferior to its strong competitor, iOS. For that reason, Android devices are susceptible to slow performance and lag due to many applications running in the background.
  2. Some applications have not been optimized well: Because of the diversity of designs, it is difficult for application developers to optimize the application so that it is compatible with all current Android-based device lines. Therefore, some applications may encounter errors when downloaded, causing you some inconvenience when using them.
  3. The quality of applications is not consistent, some applications are poor: Some applications on Google Play have been complained by users because of their heavy capacity, poor quality, and many advertisements that hinder the use process, even Even the app doesn't have any particularly useful functions.
  4. Vulnerable to viruses: Your device is likely to be infected by viruses when you download applications from other sources (not Google Play) without installing anti-virus applications.

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History of Android operating system

Historically, Android has had more than 13 years of formation and development. Since its debut on the HTC Dream series of phones on. To date, this operating system has undergone 21 updates , of which the latest version, Android 12, was released today with improvements and upgrades compared to the previous update, Android 11.

Android version Codename Release date
1.6 Donuts September 15, 2009
2.0 – 2.1 Eclair October 26, 2009
2.2 Froyo May 20, 2010
2.3 – 2.3.2 gingerbread December 6, 2010
2.3.3 – 2.3.7 gingerbread February 9, 2011
3.1 Honeycomb May 10, 2011
3.2 Honeycomb July 15, 2011
4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich December 16, 2011
4.1.x Jelly Bean July 9, 2012
4.2.x Jelly Bean November 13, 2012
4.3 Jelly Bean July 25, 2013
4.4 KitKat October 2013
5.0 Lollipop July 2014
6.0 Marshmallow October 5, 2015
7.0 Nougat August 22, 2016
8 Oreo August 21, 2017
9 Pie August 7, 2018
ten Android 10 September 3, 2019
11 Android 11 September 2020
twelfth Android 12 October 20, 2021

There is an interesting fact that Android versions will be named after dishes, desserts, cakes.

Compare Android operating system with iOS

It can be said that Android's strongest competitor on the market today is iOS from the famous brand Apple. 

While Android is an open source operating system, providing customization and flexibility to manufacturers and programmers, iOS is a proprietary operating system with a fixed interface, not can intervene.

However, whether it is iOS or Android, both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and most of all, they provide countless useful features to support users. To clearly see the difference between the two operating systems mentioned above, please follow the following comparison table:

Comparative information iOS Android
Developers Apple Inc Google & Open Handset Alliance
First version July 29, 2007 November 5, 2007
Latest version (As of September 2022) iOS 16 Android 12
Source code platform Based on the open source Darwin operating system, not the iOS kernel The source code platform is Kernel, developed based on Linux, user interface and some standard applications
Customizability Restricted, unless you jailbreak Almost everything can be customized. 
Browser Safari Google Chrome
Map Apple Maps Google Maps
Language support About 40 languages About 100 languages
Video call 3rd party apps and FaceTime are exclusive to Apple ecosystem devices only 3rd party apps along with Google Meet app.
Virtual assistant Siri Google Assistant – Google Assistant
The device supports operating system installation Supports devices manufactured by the manufacturer, including iPhone, iPad, Apple TV or iPod Touch  Supports most other smartphone brands on the market such as Samsung, Sony, Nokia, OPPO.
Battery review Good management performance, but limited battery capacity compared to Android. Battery management performance is not effective, but in return is very high battery life.
Biometric authentication Fingerprint or Face Fingerprint or Face
File management Files application Native Android file manager
Update Most devices are supported to update to the latest iOS version Most Android devices are running operating systems that are not the latest.
Display Touch screen Touch screen

Devices running the Android operating system

Currently, most smart devices including phones, tablets, laptops, smartbooks, Google TV, netbooks. all use the Android operating system. 

Famous brands running this operating system can be mentioned such as: Samsung, Nokia, Vsmart, Huawei, OPPO, Sony, Vivo. Especially, smart eyeglasses products, watches, headphones, and hearing aids. Music or video game consoles are products integrated with modern technology that also use the Android operating system.

In addition, you may be surprised to know that Google has developed home automation technology that also uses the Android operating system such as sockets, switches, temperature regulators. This technology has been released. Launched in 2011 with the name Google Home to provide a comfortable, modern and optimal living space for technology-loving customers.

Famous Android device manufacturers

Currently, except for the iPhone, almost all phone manufacturers use the Android operating system. Here, TipsMake will introduce to everyone some famous brands that are dominating the market recently.


Samsung is an electronics and telecommunications brand from Korea. This brand is famous for its affordable phones, modern, beautiful designs and many convenient features. 

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Samsung is currently the largest Android phone manufacturer in the world with a 20.4% market share . That's why this phone brand has become one of Apple's formidable competitors.

In Vietnam, there are 3 Samsung mobile phone factories. With a variety of designs and price segments, no matter who you are or what job you do, you can still easily choose a product that suits you.


OPPO is a famous brand from China. OPPO was established in 2004 and has coverage in more than 40 countries around the world. 

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Phone products from OPPO stand out because of their outstanding camera quality, which made waves in previous years. Along with that is a luxurious design and extremely affordable price. If you are looking for a delicious - nutritious - cheap Android smartphone, the OPPO A, Reno and Find series will be a great suggestion for you.


OnePlus is the next Android phone manufacturer from China that TipsMake wants to send to you. 

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This phone brand is a subsidiary of BBK Electronics and officially went into operation in 2013 . Products manufactured by OnePlus impress users with their extremely powerful configuration coming from the OxygenOS operating system (on the Android platform). In particular, despite its good quality and high stability, OnePlus' price is extremely affordable.


Nokia is no longer a strange name to each of us. This telephone company was founded in 1865 and quickly became a famous 'national' name. To date, HMD Global is the manufacturer of devices under the Nokia brand. 

Although it has cooled down when so many products appeared on the market bringing a 'super storm' to catch the trend, Nokia still has a certain fan base because of its affordable price and Android One operating system. pure Google for smooth, stable operation.

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Xiaomi is considered the third largest phone manufacturer in the world today. In the top race, this Chinese brand only loses to Samsung and Huawei.

Currently, Xiaomi is known to many users through outstanding phone lines such as Mi Mix, Redmi or POCO. In general, Xiaomi is quite affordable, so if your budget is not very abundant, you can still own a phone like that.

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Frequently asked questions about the Android operating system?

Dưới đây là một số câu hỏi thường gặp về hệ điều hành Android được đa số bạn đọc gửi về cho TipsMake. Mời bạn tham khảo câu trả lời tại đây.

Phiên bản cập nhật mới nhất của Android là gì?

Phiên bản cập nhất mới nhất của Android là Android 12, được ra mắt chính thức vào ngày 20/10/2021. 
So với các bản tiền nhiệm, phiên bản này nhận được đa số đánh giá tốt từ người dùng bởi sự hoàn thiện. Đặc biệt, Android 12 còn được nâng cấp với hàng loạt tính năng 'xịn xò' như chụp ảnh cuộn màn hình, màn hình xoay theo khuôn mặt, appsearch hay cho phép chơi game khi đang tải xuống…

Nên dùng hệ điều hành Android hay iOS?

Nhìn chung, bất kỳ hệ điều hành nào cũng có ưu – nhược điểm và những tính năng đặc trưng của nó. Vì thế không thể trả lời bạn nên dùng hệ điều hành này thay vì hệ điều hành kia được. Mà câu trả lời sẽ phụ thuộc vào thói quen, sở thích và nhu cầu của người dùng.

Lời kết

Đó là tất tần tận các thông tin về hệ điều hành Android mà bạn có thể tham khảo. Không thể phủ nhận rằng, mặc dù còn tồn tại một vài nhược điểm nhỏ, nhưng hệ điều hành Android vẫn thật sự hữu ích và thân thiện với người dùng. Nếu thấy bài viết hữu ích, hãy chia sẻ đến mọi người nhé!

Update 03 October 2023


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