9 secrets of coworking

The secrets to help you win the hearts of colleagues of many generations, including older colleagues (Baby Boomers), X generation and Millennials.

A healthy working environment means that there are no barriers to communication. Everyone is comfortable, friendly, sincere in suggestions and always sympathetic to each other. However, if your office consists of many generations including Baby Boomers (who were born between 1946 and 1964), generation X or suspicious and Millennail with different personalities, the goodness strong is hard to keep.

Multi-generational working environment is not a new phenomenon. However, a strong shift in business rules took place about 20 years ago and the way we communicate with each other has created a few motivations to promote the strengthening of intergenerational connections.

While some experts believe that to integrate with these environments, you must become a "tech savvy" (computer addict, technology), then many office workers represent the younger generation. It is thought that paying much attention to how to dress and rank in communication are two prerequisites to help them overcome the barriers of the "predecessors".

Collision at the office is inevitable, but you can reduce stress by understanding how each generation's characteristics will affect each person's perspective and approach. Here are 9 very interesting tips that may help you.

1. Baby Boomers

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Baby Boomers - people who were born after World War II and grew up when the era was generally "beautiful", manifesting it as a very popular hand letter, email was also popularly used; If they want to buy and sell goods, they will meet face-to-face and the phone is the fastest way to communicate. If you work with these people (colleagues or superiors), don't forget the following 3 tips:

Respect their experiences

When providing information or making a request for an older person, please specify the title , and consider their experience and role in the company . Show them your respect in the way they are doing to their superiors. This means, you should acknowledge professional expertise and give the "Baby Boomer" the opportunity to receive information and consider their thoughts before giving feedback on conclusions and views. yours.

Prepare carefully

Colleagues of this generation are people who have worked for years without being distracted by messaging or social networking applications (consider when they were born). Reports and Emo take a certain amount of time to research and complete before printing and moving to other departments. Therefore, "Baby Boomers" expects you to put in the effort to do the right things before sending documents, organizing meetings or presentations. And they will want you to be well prepared to answer their questions with specific evidence, facts and data.

Respect the boundaries

For "Baby Boomers", processes and orders are very important; rarely a Junior Account Executive (who is responsible for serving as well as receiving requests from customers in an advertising company, however, powers and responsibilities are lower than Senior's - high level) meet directly vice president to present ideas about new products. Therefore, if "Boomer" is a colleague , you can interact with them comfortably . On the other hand, if "Boomer" is a manager , they don't like sitting next to you to discuss work, and when they aren't eager to see you after work, do n't make an appointment to meet them privately . This "Boomer" tends to like a traditional connection.

2. Generation X

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Generation X (Generation X - Gen X) was born in the mid-1960s and 1970s - a time when news of scandals in corporations flooded the newspapers, and the subordinates collapsed and the subordinates Parents choose to work long hours continuously so that their children are mostly independent. However, it is this context that also motivates improvements and autonomous activities accompanied by skepticism about the current status (status quo). If you work with or under the management of a "Gen X-er" then it's best to remember the following three things:


"Gen X-er" are people who make use of email in communication very effectively but are uncomfortable with solutions that are direct and quick; The reports were written carelessly, not to the point and too fancy or unnecessary content. They want efficiency and accuracy. So don't worry if you have to interact with a "Gen X-er" that has a big ego - simply stick to what's going on, skip the ineffective steps and move towards the step next in plan. Also, don't ask for too many meetings or time commitments unless they're really needed.

Words go hand in hand with action

Despite being born in a time when governments had many fluctuations and beliefs about management were shaken, Generation X retained their respect for the hierarchy that had been established in advance. organizations. Therefore, they consider the behavior of others based on their titles or whether they graduated from any universities. If setting expectations for non-delay, always be on time. If you want to receive sincere feeback about an idea, accept their feedback without any action showing that you want to react. If you say that you will complete the report on Friday, complete it on Friday or Thursday afternoon.

Respect their freedom

"Gen X-er" is very famous for the psychology "if you want something to happen as planned, do it yourself". So, give generation X some roles if they want to manage themselves and projects that they can work independently. Don't force "Gen X-er" to work in groups or show discomfort because of their "solo" desire. You will find the work best for giving these employees space to express themselves.

3. Y Generation (Millennials)

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Gen Y was born between the mid-1980s and 1995 and was also called Millennials. Gen Y includes people known as "the inhabitants of the digital age", growing up in the explosion of Internet, digital devices and more than 250 cable TV channels. They are taught to respect teamwork, continuous feedback and tend to show self-esteem out. If you work with or under the management of a Y Gen, remember:

Give them a bigger picture

Gen Y is accustomed to a transparent world - where the answer to the question never gets more than a few clicks and nothing can be kept secret for a long time. The way you communicate with a Millennial is not as important as how you connect with them. They want to know your information or requirements for them whether it is personal, it has an impact on their career development path and its relevance with a greater perspective in their goals. organization.

Give them regular feedback

Providing Gen Y with frequent and immediate feedback is something you need to remember. Let them know clearly what they are doing right, where and how they need to improve. Don't be afraid to give advice and the appropriate levels of training. However, put your personal relationship out of work by giving specific tasks to each task, while criticizing their mistakes at work and not confusing things. personal.


Based on the motto: "There is no pronoun" I "in a working group," Millennial is trained to interact and integrate. So, connect with them! Invite Y generation colleagues to sit at the table, listen to both good and bad news, ideas and solutions they give. Don't worry about their good titles in the company. Because the process of sharing ideas and interactions will create excitement for these young employees who have a very high market demand and always want to be a member of the winning team.

Update 24 May 2019


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