9 simple ways to chat with anyone

With these 9 secrets, talking to your boss, new colleagues, strangers or foreigners is no longer as difficult as before.

Do you know that speaking in front of a crowd is the biggest fear of many people? That's not to mention that some people are afraid to talk to strangers, the opposite sex, foreigners, superiors, new colleagues and even those who have not met for a long time, some also find it difficult to start story?

All these fears can be cleared by training the right skills and the best time is right now with the following 9 secrets.

1. Ignore gossip

"How's the weather today?", "Did you see the match last night?". . is the way to start the story with nothing interesting. It's best to avoid these stereotyped questions.

So how to start?

First of all, a principle to remember is that every conversation happens in different times, circumstances, people and environmental factors. Therefore, you cannot apply the same tip for all these situations.

Secondly, depending on the subject, depending on the purpose and circumstances to start the conversation is interesting. For example, you can ask about their work, projects, hobbies or choose a unique way to catch a conversation like telling a funny story .

2. Ask your opponent for advice

Everyone has different views and thoughts!

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For those of you who don't know much, such as strangers, start with topics like food, music, sports . with a few questions like "you see this dish if you add salt What will it be like? "," Do you see this horror movie as impressive? " or "this song I found very meaningful, and you?" .

However, do not ask questions about politics and religion unless you understand them well.

3. Ask for advice or suggestions

Getting an opponent to give advice or suggestions on how to dress, cosmetics, choose electronics . is an ideal way to start a conversation. For example, "Your tie is so beautiful, where did you buy it?" or "you have very nice skin, can you tell me your secret?" .

4. Ask questions

However, ask easy questions to answer.

For example, if you know your opponent is an IT employee, you can ask them how to install software, kill viruses, delete files . but avoid making too "super" requests. You are trying to talk to them so choose a gentle way to both feel comfortable and confident about the answer.

5. Discuss issues around

Wherever you are, there are many things around you can choose to be the subject to start the story with a stranger. For example, if you are waiting for a bus, you can start talking with sentences like "this bus seems to be longer than your usual time?" or "where do you get down, sometimes I get along with you" . .

6. Ask about their new things

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If you know a little about a person's life, work or know they are reputable, famous, you can ask them something like: "Oh, Mary said that you are opening a dance class. good progress? "

7. Set open questions

If you only ask closed questions "yes" or "no" then there is nothing unexpected about the answer you get. So, if you want to start a really interesting story and keep the conversation going, use an open-type question. In this way, you will get more information and somehow guess the way of thinking of the other person.

For example, "how do you see this dish? I find it quite attractive!".

See also: 4 tips to help you ask smart questions

8. Set hypothetical questions

This is a great way to start the story but try to put it into a specific situation to avoid too random questions. For example, "I think this movie looks too fictional, but, what if one day the Sun disappears?"

9. Ask about hobbies, children or pets

Everyone likes to talk about important things to them. If you know your boss is someone who likes to travel, raise pets or really like children, start talking with these topics. Certainly, you will be given an hour to discuss it by your boss.

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