13 absolute sentences must not be said on the first day of work
The things you say on your first day of work not only affect what your co-workers think about you but it can also make you unable to pass the probationary period.
According to JT O'Donnell - professional and working environment expert, founder of career guidance consulting website Careerealism.com and author of "Careerealism: The Smart approach to a satisfying career" , if in the first day If you go to work and say something that your co-workers have to look at, it is a bad signal and may be why you will have to leave the company soon.
"Obviously everyone wants to be loved by everyone - to impress and integrate quickly. However, don't try to express yourself and say too much when you should be listening. more ", Michelle Kerrigan - an expert in confidence in the working environment added.
Here are 15 sentences you should not say on the first day of work according to the summary of Business Insider page.
1. "In my old company . / The work I did before ."
Nobody likes a person who always tries to "know everything".
13 absolute sentences must not be said on the first day of work Picture 1
Rosalinda Oropeza Randall - expert in etiquette and courtesy, author of " Don't burp in the boardroom " suggested that start a new job with confidence but she also emphasized humility: "It is not shy, reserved, but a stubborn attitude, learning - don't try to express yourself as" someone who knows "in front of colleagues."
2. "Oh my god, I really like that"
You have been recruited openly and properly. So don't try to make everyone like you with unnecessary exclamations.
While expressing yourself as a humble person or wanting to get to know people is a nice act, you should also remember that that doesn't mean you have to find ways to reach out to your colleagues.
Nothing will be good if you don't like, not satisfied, not impressed . with something but yell that "really like" just because you want to be "like" others.
3. "When will the salary increase?"
The quest for compensation on the first day of work is one of the "taboo" things that rookies need to remember. It is best to "hold off" until you finish the working day.
4. "By the way, I usually have to leave early on Friday"
13 absolute sentences must not be said on the first day of work Picture 2
If you have a problem that will lead you to leave early on a certain day of the week, mention this to the employer when signing a work contract. Don't let the first day come to the company and say "things . I have to leave early". This is like you're trying to tell the manager "don't give me the job on that day, I'm busy"!
5. "Should I play close / avoid who?"
On the first day of your visit, pay attention to learning about your direct manager to have a proper way of behaving and adjusting the working method. This is the most important and above all.
However, this does not mean you should ask something like "who should I interact with?", "What should I do to become close to them?", "Who is the closest to the boss? "," the most fastidious? ". The simple reason, because, is like you are" gossiping "and trying to join the " most gentle people " group .
6. "This is not something I have learned"
Neither boss nor colleagues like to listen to things like "I can't do it", "Give me something different", "It's too hard, I can't do it" . Honestly Your weaknesses are good, but attention is attached to your attitude and trying to learn.
The company recruits you when they see your abilities and efforts, not a person who just likes "light work, high pay."
7. "What are the bonuses for the company holiday?"
13 absolute sentences must not be said on the first day of work Picture 3
New days to the company, what you should learn is the job you need to take care of, the rules, the culture, the working style . not the salary or the compensation regime.
It is best to refrain as much as possible because this is a mistake that many recruits have.
8. "How to get a new item?"
Usually, on the first day of work, you will receive support equipment and tools. However, do not rush to be uncomfortable and want to change clothes when you feel they are not models, colors, styles you like; your "feng shui" work desk position; see that your colleague's computer seems to be more "good" or because you have never used Windows, so you want to change to a Mac .
Suggesting a boss to provide more modern appliances will surely make some people question who you think you are and deserve better than them. So, get used to the first things you have received. After that, if the work process is problematic, boldly propose it because at that time, you had proof that the delivered device made you ineffective.
9. "This is not true"
Maybe, you do not understand or disagree with the company's way of doing things, but expressing your attitude of not serving, conserving your boss or colleagues on the first day of work is too terrible.
13 absolute sentences must not be said on the first day of work Picture 4
Only one day, you cannot understand or adapt to a new environment and your responsibility when deciding to join this company is to learn! If you keep the same point of view and the old way, it is best to go back to the old company to work or find another place.
Also, instead of thinking that this approach is not right for you, find out why the company applies it, listen to the story behind and try to think based on the organization's perspective.
10. "My former boss is an incompetent person"
Badly, lamentably, complaining about the former boss's treatment of his colleagues at the company is rarely welcomed. Nobody wants to listen to your "fake, fake" stories.
Once others think badly about new employees, it will be very difficult to change that prejudice later. You should create a good image on your first day of work and try to maintain them.
11. This Sunday we go to the temple / church together "
Except for special situations, never mention political or religious issues on the first day of work.
13 absolute sentences must not be said on the first day of work Picture 5
Normally, these issues will not receive positive feedback in a serious working environment, not to mention some colleagues will be afraid of you if they cannot participate.
12. "In my opinion, I should ."
The rule of thumb for the first day of work is "ask, don't talk much".
Only when you are asked by people, is it better to keep your personal opinion while observing what other colleagues say about the topic.
13. "No thanks. I'm not used to having lunch outside"
If on the first day of work the colleague was willing to invite you to lunch together, this is a good opportunity for you to get to know people and learn more about the company culture.
Direct rejection without a valid reason only makes colleagues feel that you are less friendly, less inclusive, less social and more individualistic.
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