7 reasons to use SSL certificate for website

If you notice on the browser URL that starts with HTTPS (which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol with Secure), that means your information and data is secure. All information will be encrypted before being transferred to the website or vice versa, the attacker has no way to interrupt the process and view this data.

As you know, SSL certificates are very important, especially for e-commerce websites. Here are 7 reasons to use an SSL certificate for your website.

1. Protection of user information and data

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) transfers information between your device and the website you visit. HTTPS is a combination of HTTP protocol and SSL or TLS security protocol, making the exchange of information more secure and safe on the Internet. HTTPS encrypts the information between the device and the website, so it is difficult for an attacker to read this information and data.

In addition, HTTPS also protects users from man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks: 3rd parties (ie attackers) intercept the transmission between 2 clients.

Picture 1 of 7 reasons to use SSL certificate for website

Without encryption, cybercriminals can display a fake website, then link malicious software and files on this fake website and trick users into downloading the malware.

2. Users trust your website more

With websites, especially e-commerce websites using SSL certificates, it will create more trust from users, improve the image, brand and reputation of the business.

If a few years ago, very few users knew about SSL certificates, now most users are aware of the need for this type of certificate. Part of that is probably due to Google raising awareness for users.

By using an SSL certificate, you are informing your visitors that their privacy and transactions are secure. Otherwise, you are "killing yourself" and your visitors will say no to your site in the future.

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3. Chrome renders your website properly

Whenever a user visits websites that do not have an SSL certificate, Chrome will display a warning that the connection is not private and prevent the user from accessing the page.

For sites that use SSL certificates, Chrome will display a blue lock icon in the browser address bar.

Picture 2 of 7 reasons to use SSL certificate for website

Earlier this year, Google announced that the Chrome browser would remove the Secure indicator from HTTPS sites in September and only display a lock icon when users navigate to an HTTPS-secured site.

4. Improve Search Ranking

One of the 7 reasons why you should use an SSL certificate for your website is that it will improve your website's search rankings. In general, security is still a top priority, so Google search engines will definitely appreciate websites that have SSL certificates installed.

Most websites rely on SEO (search engine optimization) to achieve higher search rankings. However, no matter what content users search for, Google will still prioritize and show pages with HTTPS addresses on the first search page.

By using SSL certificates, not only gain trust from users but even search engines. The higher the rank, the more users will click.

5. Improve Website Speed

Another factor that determines your site's ranking is site speed. The faster the website loads, the more users visit it and the higher the search rankings.

Picture 3 of 7 reasons to use SSL certificate for website

Many users think that using SSL certificates slows down the website, but in fact, HTTPS pages load faster than HTTP pages.

6. Low cost

Adding an SSL certificate can be a pain for many people, which is why small websites don't use SSL certificates. In fact, the cost to buy SSL certificates is not too expensive.

Besides, some web hosts force users to use their SSL services. The advice for you is to search and choose reliable service providers, with reasonable prices or even free to choose the best service for you.

7. Protect your website in the future

Web security issues have always been a concern of many people. While an SSL certificate is not the ultimate solution in preventing cybercriminal attacks, it is the best place to start.

SSL is also constantly being developed, being upgraded to Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS is a stronger, more secure protocol than SSL, uses a new algorithm, and generates better keys.

Above TipsMake has just given 7 reasons to use SSL certificates for websites. Websites no matter how big or small, or e-commerce sites, should use SSL certificates, partly to secure the website, on the other hand to gain the trust of users and be ranked higher by Google. .

Update 20 September 2022


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