529 computer tips - Work with Google tools
Google offers a lot of useful tools for your 'digital life': from online exchange to support tools for office work.
Work with Google tools
Eric Griffith
Search on blogs
If you want to search for something on a blog, use blogsearch.google.com to search.
Remove sites that are cached or no longer exist
Many sites are no longer active but still appear to appear in Google search results. If your site is in this situation and you want the world to forget it, ask to remove it through Google's Webmaster tools (www.google.com/webmasters/tools/removals).
Print schedule to PDF
There is a Print command in Calendar, but in technical terms it is almost not used. It appears only a dialog box to customize the appearance (for example, set to black, white instead of colored). It will then create a PDF file for each month, which is suitable for framing - printing, email or archiving.
Google Reader
Have you ever been curious to know how much RSS feed you are reading? Google Reader will display the number of RSS feed subscriptions you have, items you have read, shared or emailed, etc.
Look up spreadsheet data
You can create up to 250 cells in the Google Docs spreadsheet that are automatically updated using the GoogleLookup function. Please check the list of functions in the Advanced Editing section at www.google.com/support/spreadsheets for more details.
Read Gmail in IMAP clients
Gmail currently supports IMAP so you can access it from a client program like Outlook or Thunderbird. Through these applications, copy files to the local folder on your computer to back up Gmail emails. Similarly, you can also copy local files on your device to Google's directory to back up email to Google's storage space.
Convert PDF to editable text
Do you want to convert a PDF file into text format? Send it to your Gmail account and view attachments as HTML. You can then perform a 'cut' and 'paste' operation into a text editor.
Search for information on sites
Reshape Google's web search power to search only on a single site. For example, typing ' site: quantrimang.com security ' into the search box will only search for articles with 'security' keywords on quantrimang.com.
Search the full cluster
The quotation marks surrounding a phrase will find only pages that have the full phrase. Connecting individual words with a middle plus sign (or English plus) will make you find more detailed information because using the '+' sign will only yield pages with those phrases.
Eliminate search conditions
When searching, to limit what you return, add a minus sign in front of the phrase you do not want to return in the result. For example, if you want to search for tips on email but not related to Yahoo email, you can use the keyword phrase: ' email -yahoo tips '.
Advanced searches
Advanced Search of Google (www.google.com/advanced_search) can clearly explain all operators, search restrictions . so you can use it to limit the results while searching.
Add weather forecast to schedule
Add regional weather reports to Google Calendar. Go to Settings | General , and enter your geographic location, select the display temperature in degrees Celsius.
If your Gmail message contains date or time information, click that data. Gmail will provide a way to turn notifications into events in Google schedules. If the notification of the date only, then Google Calendar will show you clearly and put the event on that day.
Get a schedule with text notifications
Set up your phone with Google Calendar (in Settings | Mobile). Send a text message from your phone to get a schedule of the day in writing.
Expand reading area
If you want more space to read articles in Google Reader, press the U key - it will get rid of the entire left side of the sidebar that lists your feeds (Pressing the U key will bring it back) .
Read only the titles
Pressing 2 to let Google Reader switch you to headline-only view, the 1 key will take you back to the full article view.
Send executable files by renaming
Gmail will not allow you to send executable files like (EXE, DLL, and other files), even if they are compressed in a ZIP file - Google announced that to protect against viruses. You can, however, change the file extension to a file with a .txt extension or something, then send it, and tell the recipient that they need to change the extension back properly. with the original extension can read or run it.
Advanced mail searches
If you want to search for previous Gmail messages, limit your search by using: from: and subject: as operators. You can also use label: and even after: or before: to search by date (such as the format before before: yyyy / mm / dd )
Use other addresses in Gmail
You can combine non-Gmail email addresses with your Gmail account. This is a very useful way if you use the schedule to invite non-Gmail addresses. Thanks to that, your recipients can combine them with Google schedules. Go to Google Account Settings in www.google.com/accounts/Edit- User-Info to add additional email addresses.
Publish Google slideshows
When you create a slideshow in Google Docs, publish it to get the code that can be embedded in the website (like a YouTube video). You can also save it as a PDF file to send to others (though you cannot save it as a PPT file for use in PowerPoint).
Sync Office with Google Docs
Make sure the files you edit in MS Office are available in Google Docs with DocSyncer (www.docsyncer.com). This program will work with Windows, transfer files to Google for you, launch Google Docs by clicking a file as if done in an internal application.
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