3 changes for users after Apple was accused of violating competition laws

Apple pays great attention to user experience, strictly controlling processes across all of its products, including billions of iPhones in use around the world...

Picture 1 of 3 changes for users after Apple was accused of violating competition laws

When Mac computers were introduced to the public in 1984, the "hello" command made a big impression on customers the first time they started the device. The extremely friendly 'mantra' still exists today, according to CNN Business.

However, President Joe Biden's administration believes that Apple has exceeded the limit. Recently, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Apple for illegal monopoly practices in the smartphone market. During the press conference, the US Government provided a long list of allegations that Apple has unfairly applied a series of terms in its own app store, charging high costs and limiting access to the majority. third party manufacturers to users.

Immediately afterwards, the company denied the accusations and said it had plans to counter these adverse doubts. Apple added that the lawsuit could give the Government "stronger control over the design process of advanced technology".

But in other developments, the lawsuit could affect all of Apple's products and services.

Picture 2 of 3 changes for users after Apple was accused of violating competition laws


One of the first changes that could happen is that iPhone users will have more access to countless "super apps" that were previously limited. The term refers to applications that enable messaging, food ordering, payment processing, and many other features within the same platform.

According to Mr. Dipanjan Chatterjee, principal analyst at market research firm Forrester, super apps pose a significant threat to Apple's ability to excel in serving customers.

"WeChat, known as China's super app, can provide an alternative to the Apple ecosystem including chatting, banking, sharing memories, working with collaborators and more ", he commented. "What Apple fears most is that its devices are no longer suitable for customers."

At the same time, super apps like WeChat are created by large businesses, which in turn can put some smaller companies at a disadvantage. Perhaps that is why the above concept is not welcomed in the United States.

However, Apple could argue that the lack of interest in third-party apps is because the smartphone market is so large and the company is opposed to offering super apps in the App Store, analyst Chatterjee predicts. guess.


Apple may also be asked to focus more on improving cross-platform messaging, an issue the company previously said it was trying to solve.

The tech giant allows iPhone users to send high-quality photos and videos to each other, but sending the same content to Android phones is slower and has reduced display quality. Experts argue that Apple also maintains a green 'bubble' dialog box instead of a blue dialog box, creating a class-divided mentality when texting to iOS and Android devices.

Last November, the company announced that it was adding several new features such as read receipts, message typing notifications, better support for group chats, and improved quality when sharing images and videos. .

Apple's change to promote the RCS (multimedia communication services) standard is expected to roll out later this year. RCS is considered a perfect replacement for SMS applications or short messaging services, working on both Wi-Fi and mobile data.

The change comes under pressure from both regulators and competitors, allowing for more seamless messaging across multiple operating systems. It is known that the European Union's Digital Markets Act requires companies to expand interoperability between private services and a variety of platforms. And the US Government also proposed the same.


Another change is that Apple will try to expand the compatibility of many devices and software, including the iPhone and the Fitness+ service, to hardware from many other companies, such as smartwatches. Previously, the Silicon Valley giant required Apple Watch users to own an iOS device as a method to retain customers in the Apple ecosystem.

Mr. Chatterjee said this change brings both positive and negative effects.

"The end result gives users more options at more affordable prices but also reduces the seamless customer experience, a factor that Apple always values ​​highly," he shared.

President Biden's administration also addressed Apple's lack of support for mobile cloud services. The decision to extend connectivity can allow users to access games and many other cloud applications without having to pay too much.


In the complaint, the DOJ argued that Apple's conduct violated illegal fair competition, locked customers into its products and prevented entry from other companies. Besides, some analysts believe that any changes Apple makes will negatively impact the user experience.

Mr. David McQueen, Research Director at ABI Research, said the content and application market should operate openly. Apple needs to avoid monopolies because this limits fair competition, drives up prices, and stifles innovation. However, Apple's success partly stems from its strategy of keeping products and services intuitive and seamless. "If Apple is forced to comply with the new restriction, it is likely that the user experience will no longer be seamless. Customers have more choices with applications and services."

Mr. Chatterjee emphasized that some technology enthusiasts favor Apple's product line because the ecosystem is tightly managed and easy to use. Apple will have to put in a lot more effort if it wants to maintain the user experience. "The vast majority of Apple customers will be satisfied with many lower-priced options, as long as it does not affect their experience."

But he added that those currently outside the Apple ecosystem would likely benefit by "participating in the ecosystem without partnering with Apple."

Update 05 April 2024


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