23 rules in business that any professional employee needs to know

The love of professional communication is sometimes awkward and unfortunately, many people just because they do not understand the rules of business socialism make themselves fall into the situation of laughing out of tears.

The love of professional communication is sometimes awkward and unfortunately, many people just because they do not understand the social rules of business make themselves fall into "laughs" situations. .

In The Essentials of Business Etiquette , author Barbara Pachter mentioned important rules that we need to understand to apply and have appropriate behavior in professional social environments.

Business Insider magazine has compiled the 15 most important rules on how to introduce yourself, how to dress and what to do when there are meetings at the restaurant . You can apply to work to increase Confident and improve communication skills.

1. Always stand when you are introduced to someone

Picture 1 of 23 rules in business that any professional employee needs to know

According to Pachter, "The standing posture helps to establish your presence; otherwise, if you don't stand, others will easily ignore you. If you're distracted and can't stand up, you should lean forward to The enemy knows that you will stand up when possible ".

2. Always say your full name (both your first and last name)

In business situations, you should use your full name. However, you should also pay attention to how others want to be introduced. If the name is too long or difficult to pronounce, Pachter recommends that you consider changing or shortening it. Or consider writing how to pronounce your name on the business card and give it to others.

3. Always shake hands first if you are in a higher position, the landlord or the main character of the event

In a modern business environment, if you are a boss, superior or someone with a higher status (regardless of gender), you should also actively shake hands first."If people with higher positions don't shake hands immediately - often because of gender discrimination - then people in lower positions will do it without hesitation at all."

Either way, handshakes are indispensable."In America, handshake is a business greeting. If you want to be taken seriously, you have to shake hands and shake hands seriously".

4. Dress appropriately

Pachter stressed that "clothing is a form of nonverbal communication that plays a very important role, can enhance a person's reputation or reduce one's credit very quickly. Through the choice of clothes You can "message a message to the opposite".

Picture 2 of 23 rules in business that any professional employee needs to know

Always be smart when choosing outfits to attend events, meetings or parties at a restaurant and make sure the clothes you choose must match the standards of the event.

5. Just say "thank you" once or twice in a conversation

"You just need to say thank you once or twice during the conversation. If not, you can reduce its effect, maybe even make others feel that you are a bit unsure and confused. ".

6. Send a letter or separate thank you card to each participant

You should send a thank you card within 24 hours and should send it separately to each person you want to thank. Pachter also emphasized, "Before choosing between email and handwritten mail, consider one thing: mail can often take a few days to reach the recipient while the email can arrive immediately. The difference in time. It is very important after a job interview if recruitment decisions are being made quickly ".

7. Leave the phone in your pocket

Almost now everyone owns a smartphone and always carries with them. However, you should not bring it to meetings.

You may be tempted by messages or emails but no matter how discreetly you try to use your phone, it is still a polite act and everyone can recognize it.

Also, don't put the phone on the table when meeting someone. Doing so means you are trying to tell the other person that you are willing to stop talking to them to connect with another person.

8. Use professional face (head shot) close-up shots

Always send professional images to LinkedIn and other websites, such as the job website or the organization's website . Do so "if you want others to see you as an easy-going person and reliable ", do not use photos taken at sea. A perfect head shot photo will highlight the head, face, part of the chest and shoulders. "You are the center of the photo".

Picture 3 of 23 rules in business that any professional employee needs to know

9. Use a professional email address

If you work for a company, use the company's email address. If you want to use another personal email, be careful because you may choose to send the wrong message to a partner.

Never use emails when you are in college or associate with the nicknames you think are "lovely" because the recipient will rate you as reckless, immature and unprofessional.

  1. 11 rules for professional email writing that everyone needs to remember

10. Start email with a professional greeting

Don't open the email with greetings in the text like "hey buddy" or "yo" . Also, never shorten the name of another person unless you're really close and know the name often their.

11. If you forget someone's name, acknowledge it

Occasionally, we may forget the names of others. When this happens, be honest and say "I'm really sorry. I've forgotten your name" or "Your face looks very familiar. I can recall your name soon".

12. Say hello to everyone at work

Say "hello" or "good morning" to people you know and don't know at work.

"The person you say hello on the way to the meeting can be the person who will sit next to you at that meeting. When sending greetings, you have established a preliminary relationship with them. If someone says hello. With you, please say hello again. That is a requirement of etiquette.

13. When pointing at something, close your fingers

Picture 4 of 23 rules in business that any professional employee needs to know

"When pointing at something, flip your palm up and close your fingers. If you use your index finger, others may think you are very aggressive." In addition, Pachter said that both men and women point to it, but women tend to do more than men.

14. Always on time

Always on time for meetings. If you are late, you are wasting other people's time. In addition, they will think that you are unprofessional.

If a situation you can't control leads to being late, let everyone know. It could be emailing, texting or calling. Sorry and a brief explanation of why (don't say "millions" of apologies) and when you arrive, don't make others lose more time by complaining about traffic conditions or delayed trains.

15. Never pull chairs for others

In some cases, pulling chairs for others, especially women, will show a polite and respectful attitude of men. However, in business you should not do so because it may make the other person misunderstand that you have sex discrimination. Leave behind gender rules at work."Men and women can draw chairs for themselves."

16. Always break the bread with both hands

According to Pachter, you should not use a knife to cut a cake during a business dinner."Break the bread and tear one piece at a time, then, butter when you're ready to eat."

Picture 5 of 23 rules in business that any professional employee needs to know

17. Don't call anything too expensive

If you call an expensive piece of beef or lobster, you'll look like you're "taking advantage" of the landlord."However, if the invitee makes suggestions, you can choose anything but it's best not to choose the most expensive item." With wine, the rules are the same.

18. Be careful when ordering "special" items

Also, be careful when ordering a "special" dish."Many waiters do not mention the price when you invite you to choose a special dish. These items usually cost 10-15% more than the items in the main menu, but you may not be able to ask for the price of the item. Especially in a business situation , " Pachter recommends.

"Many waiters do not mention the price when they invite you to choose special dishes. These items usually cost 10% to 40% higher than regular ones and will not be convenient to ask for their prices in a situation. work case ".

19. Choose a dish with the same amount as your guests

This means that if the opposite person chooses an appetizer or a gourmet dish, you should do the same."Don't make your guests not comfortable eating alone".

Picture 6 of 23 rules in business that any professional employee needs to know

20. Don't bring food home

"You are in a business dinner" , not a family or friends meeting. Therefore, do not ask for a leftover food box to take home because it is not professional at all.

21. Remember that inviters always pay

"If you are an invite, you are the landlord and you always pay the bill, whether male or female . " In case you are a woman and the male guest wants to pay, deftly reject: "Oh no, this is not my payment but my company pays".

"However, in case the male guest resolutely wants to pay the bill, let him pay. It is also a polite behavior."

22. Always be alert

Picture 7 of 23 rules in business that any professional employee needs to know

Don't get drunk at dinner for work."You may lose your job and your chances of advancing due to drunkenness or improper actions."

23. Prepare a polite error

Pachter says always prepare a polite excuse. In case you need to go out because of an incident or important call, an advance preparation will help you master the situation and make the error easier.

For example, you can say "Nice to meet you", "Nice to talk to you" or "I can see you next week at the meeting" .

You can also excuse yourself to leave with reason to rest, eat with your family or need to meet someone before they leave .

Update 24 May 2019


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