14 things to do before age 30

Hurry up!

Learn how to swim, stay up all night to join a grand party in a strange land or conquer a mountain peak - there are countless journeys you need to add to the Bucket List (a list of all goals) which you want to achieve or the dreams you want to accomplish) and try to complete them before the age of 30.

Right now, if you have not yet turned 30, quickly add the following 14 things to your to-do list to make your work and life more convenient after this time. in time.

1. Be fired

Sounds funny, doesn't it? But according to experts, before 30 years old, you "should" be fired once, or at least, be glad you "got" it wrong. Why is that?

Picture 1 of 14 things to do before age 30

Michael Kerr - author of The Humor Advantage: Why Some Businesses Are Laughing All the Way to the Bank: "Being fired may be a cruel, difficult experience but it is a great wake-up call for everyone work performance as well as career building path ".

See also: Don't let this 19 regret appear in your life

He also stressed to people in their 20s and 30s that it would be better to recognize faults before the age of 30 than to be in their 40s. Being fired will teach you the most valuable lessons in life.

2. Ready to "jump"

Kate Swoboda - who created the brave training training course - said: "Life is very short. Therefore, you should not do the things you do not like or accept to do for wages. Instead, please choose the job you like or is suitable for you. In your 20s, you have the right to change. "

The age of 20 is the time for you to risk. You can start working for yourself or change your current job (with a fixed salary). Remember that this is the technology age, just a patient heart, longing for big enough and passionate, you absolutely can achieve the life you desire.

Change or accept the feeling of regret and hard to start over when you're 30 years old.

3. Simple planning

"You have to know where you want to go if you want to achieve it. The plans don't need to be long, meticulous, you just need to know why you want to do them" - Swoboda shared.

Picture 2 of 14 things to do before age 30

She also added: "You can slowly establish your future plan by answering questions such as: How does it make sense to make every day meaningful? How do I work effectively? fruit, bring joy to yourself and those around you? " or "What makes you happy with what you're doing? .".

4. Learn how to manage time effectively

Barry S. Saltzman - a business expert, CEO of Saltzman Enterprise Group - stressed: "Time is money, no company spends money on wasting unnecessary things. By So, before the age of 30, you need to learn how to manage your time so that you can maximize your professional ability to see and evaluate. "

See also: 10 things that many people 10 years later will regret

If you do this after the age of 30, you are not sure that you will achieve it. Time doesn't stop, so learn how to manage it before it's too late.

5. Express passion

You have identified your goals and now learn how to explain / show it to others.

Picture 3 of 14 things to do before age 30

The Declaration of You author Michelle Ward! - pointing out: "Copywriter or financial staff are both good jobs. However, they don't make you stand out and show your best. When someone wants to know your job, You will have to answer so that they know what is related to you, who you are and what you are. You should show your interests, who helps you and what you have done to thank people. there?".

6. Become an expert

"Professionalism, being an expert in a particular field is more important than what you say. You don't need to go into too many things, but focus on doing something that works best" - Saltzman identify.

By the age of 30 but still "amateur" with your work or passion, your dream is still far away, especially for those who are married.

7. Learn how to accept refusals skillfully

Denial is something no one likes. However, this is part of every person's life. When that happens, be happy to accept it. Do not blame or have insulting words to people who reject you. This only makes you more selfish.

8. Record your achievements

Successful logs, Done List or any other name, as long as you have a notebook to record all the achievements and awards that have been achieved in work, study and life.

Picture 4 of 14 things to do before age 30

By aggregating them, you can clearly assess what you have done well, added value and what you have completed to continue to improve.

In addition to using books, installing note-taking applications like Evernote are also interesting alternatives.

9. Send a letter to the person you admire

An idol friend can be a writer who writes a book you like, or a person who changes the culture of the place you work or is a successful entrepreneur or entrepreneur. Swoboda advises each person to approach and tell them why you love them.

Often, many people are reluctant to write letters for fear that no one will read them. However, you will be surprised to learn that the leader in your field will greatly appreciate this action with sincere thanks.

10. Be proactive in what you like

Dreams will reflect your future goals. If you are not sure whether the leader will take you to parties, events, you must do everything to get there. Remember, this is a very good experience for the CV for later.

Picture 5 of 14 things to do before age 30

In addition, learning how to be active at a young age will help you gain many good opportunities to express yourself and learn more.

11. Know how to give

20 years old, you always imagine things in the future. However, when you reach 30, you have different thoughts.

See also: 18 things you will not know until adulthood

Instead of insisting your opinion is the best and just want to be acknowledged by your boss, you should share your opinion with people. When a colleague has a problem at work, you should care and ask: "How can I help you?" Don't be afraid to know their position is higher than yours.

12. Conquer communication skills

Picture 6 of 14 things to do before age 30

Saltzman shared: "Sadly, many young people do not spend time improving communication skills. This directly affects their careers. 30 years old, you must determine your intentions accurately and In fact, there must be skill in writing spleen. Every word or sentence you write represents you, so why don't you study right now? "

13. Use smart social network

Maybe you hate social networking, but this is one of the essential elements to help you build and develop a successful career. To connect effectively, you need to overcome your safety limits and realize the common mistake many people make.

However, this does not mean that you spend most of your time visiting Facebook surfing the News Feed, opening Twitter to tweet or constantly logging into Instagram to post pictures. Take advantage of them wisely and scientifically.

14. Handling conflicts and conflicts

Conflict, conflict can happen anywhere and anytime. Therefore, you should learn how to handle such situations. Many people choose to avoid. However, facing and finding solutions is the most effective method.

Never make excuses for not being able to control conflicts. You absolutely can learn them!

Update 24 May 2019


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