To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20
The age of 20 is a time when people feel extremely " confused ". Maybe we don't have to go to school to study anymore, but still need to learn a lot of things before becoming " a true adult ". That means you have to walk on your own feet now. Although I myself was responsible for all acts before the law and society, but not mature enough and experienced to know for sure what is right and what is wrong.
Understanding the disorientation of young people in this difficult decade, we present some questions posted on Quora about useful skills, how to spend time after turning 20 and clicking strong in the most useful knowledge in life. To get a bright life at the age of 30, now, focus on 17 skills to learn from age 20 below.
1. Learn how to be honest
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 1
When late, people tend to blame external conditions such as traffic jams or delayed trains. No matter whether it is true, you should not use it to justify your mistake.
Besides, Quora users named Michael Hoffman commented: " Just say sorry without having to give details of the reason. Because confessing" I did not plan well "is worth 100 times more. with risking honesty of self-responsibility for traffic . " The error you have made is not anticipating possible problems along the way.
2. How to receive criticism
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 2
At the age of 20, very few people know how to accept criticism so well. So you have to train yourself. Surely no one will want to be told they are wrong or maybe even do something more effective, for example. According to Abhinav Gupta users, " It's easy to be angry with people who give criticism or ignore them. However, in order to succeed in life, you will receive a lot of criticism and always have to respond. Don't show any discomfort to those who show you your mistakes . "
When someone criticizes you, try to resent your anger and listen. If what they say is true, try to fix it. If not, you can justify ( if necessary ) or smile, thank you.
3. How to start an interesting conversation
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 3
" Starting to make a conversation seems to be the most overlooked skill ," Deepak Mehta, who claims to be quite embarrassed and has difficulty communicating and sharing.
However, the experience taught him that, if he dared to actively talk to the next person, he would end the conversation well; You will have a friendship, a relationship in a new job or a new way of looking at old topics. If you want to have an interesting conversation, you need some tricks like talking about open topics and ending with questions.
4. How to request what you want
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 4
" Making a request is the easiest way and also the skill people often use to advance in their careers, " an anonymous user said. However, if you are not committed to asking for a raise, promotion or a bigger deal; there will be very little chance of getting that.
If you find it difficult to ask for something from the company, practice in situations other than work. For example, at home, friends, society . or when you go to the market, go to a discounted vegetable store.
" Usually that situation will make you feel uncomfortable. Because you think in your heart, your job will make others lose heart, " one user said. However, in order to get a good job later, you must overcome those feelings of fear and discomfort because you deserve it.
5. How to keep your promise
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 5
You promised your best friend to be at his birthday party or commit to the boss who will finish the job on time, no matter what happens, you must try to do it.
Method: Please anticipate all possible events to allow time for them. " Once you fail to promise, people will not believe you. Over time it will be difficult for you to regain the trust of everyone ," Hoffman users reported.
6. How to best communicate information
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 6
Very few people were born with talent to speak, mostly due to persistent practice. So, to avoid falling into such a situation at work: have a great idea but don't know how to make it convincing, right now, practice your talking skills.
" Think about how to challenge yourself and refine how to write an email or behave in a meeting ," the anonymous user said.
Here's an example: " At the next team meeting, keep your timidity aside, be brave to speak out your own ideas or creative ideas. Instead of counting to 5, you still feel If your opinion is shy, on the other hand, if you are shy, challenge yourself to say what you think, instead of staying silent forever , "a user shared" secrets ".
7. How not to be discouraged
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 7
Besides joy and excitement, the rest of life is often bound by failures, sadness and frustration. Failure is the inevitable thing in life. Learn how to get up from failure as soon as possible. Users Carolyn Choi will give you some experience to step through risk when you first enter an adult stage:
" Age 20 is a pretty free time; we must have many responsibilities to receive many things by the age of 30 to 40, so this is an" ideal "time to make mistakes. find a way to get out of boredom and come back to the 'track' very quickly . "
8. How not to make mistakes on the table
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 8
" There are many interviews taking place during meals. Chewing loudly or opening your mouth too wide, sucking hands and tools, elbows on the table all show a lack of behavior and social skills ," said Drew Pavilonis. write.
9. Learn how to survive
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 9
Joe Choi advises young people to think carefully about all their spending: " Luxury is a great thing if you're really capable of paying. But don't be a slave to support a lifestyle. not long, learn how to live modestly and economically, you have the right to buy items in your ability . "
10. Learn how to deal with rejection
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 10
Many young people in their 20s often try to get new experiences, jobs and romantic relationships. Some people succeed, some are rejected. According to Joe Choi, learning how to "compromise" with refusal is equally important as other things: " The refusals are hard to swallow but it is still coming regularly. Some people even feel like The end of the world is coming when someone refuses. Don't be like that, hold your head high and keep moving forward . "
Life is full of challenges as well as opportunities. Today you are rejected, but tomorrow may be different. Ignore the person who knows if the future will meet you even better.
11. Study whenever possible
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 11
Study at school is not enough, you have to study outside of life. So let your mind be open, embrace new things from everywhere by reading, practicing foreign languages with foreigners, learning music . or whatever you feel interest.
" This can be done anywhere, anytime and with anyone. Always learn everything. "
12. Learn how to accept that things can change
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 12
After conducting the study, psychologist Dan Gilbert advised: " We all have a hard time imagining that it will change a lot in the future ."
Many young people think, everything is always at their fingertips and predictions, so they often plan for 5 years or 10 years for life. In fact, those plans are largely useless. " The plans for the next few years, since the present time, are almost wasteful ," Choi added. Take Choi's life as an example:
During college, he studied engineering and never imagined himself going to Eastern Europe to harvest corn; But reality has happened like that. While living in Europe, he never thought he would move to work in a magnificent building in New York City, but that's exactly what happened.
Expecting things to happen will make you feel surprised ( happy hope ) somehow your life will happen unlike what you expected.
13. How to make a decision
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 13
" The bridge from analysis to action is effective decision making - knowing what can be done based on available information. While not necessary to put in a dangerous situation, so there is can analyze through or wait for more information before making a decision, 'wrote Janic Butevics.
In life, there are decisions you can make very easily; But there are also decisions that make us feel afraid to speak up. However, no matter how frightened and anxious it is, that's what you have to do. So, the secret is " imagine that someone is putting a gun on your head and giving you 15 seconds to decide, having to choose something. Over time, you will gradually get used to the pressure and not feel difficult to breathe every time they have to decide ".
14. How to "sell" yourself in the best way possible
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 14
This skill is not just for sale staff.
" Being able to 'sell' yourself to others is an essential skill that is always needed in life. In business, you need to sell yourself to potential customers and employers. You have to "sell yourself" to that person and your potential benefit is their life , "wrote Lukas Schwekendiek.
Now people often joke with each other that " good work," "explosion" is a good job . " This may not be the case in all cases, but more than 50% is. In this article, we do not encourage you to inflate yourself; but at least you must know how to best express yourself. At this time, there was no " natural scent of incense "; In the first meeting, if you do not show everyone your best, it is considered that everything is over.
So, throw your shame away, practice talking about yourself, talk about the talents and experiences you have. But make sure, that story attracts listeners.
15. Learn how to negotiate
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 15
Negotiation is one of the most frequent actions, not only in work but also in life. So, now, learn how to persuade the opposite from " no " to " yes ". Maybe, that offer benefits you more, but how to make your partner focus on only one point: it is also important for both parties to benefit.
You can learn how to negotiate from a variety of sources: books, movies to real life. First, carry out small negotiations like when shopping for things in the market or negotiating with friends; Once you know the secret, it is not difficult to apply to larger negotiations with your boss or opponent.
16. Learn to listen
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 16
" Practice to make yourself better, especially the ability to listen; you will get a lot of information, as well as develop better relationships ," recommends M.Halhan. Even, according to Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Local, listening skills are the most important skill not only in business but also in life.
Listening here is not only about hearing what people say, but also understanding the attitude of the speaker through the way they present the story; whether they believe their words or not, how much they want to emphasize and ignore them, fall in love with the topic . When you know how to listen, you will feel things that the other person doesn't dare speak or don't want to say.
If you want to develop your own active listening skills, " pay attention to the conversation ". Two people talk together, one speaks in a fixed time while the listener is completely silent. After that, the second person " is affected " about what the first person says until the first person feels comfortable. In the end, the two changed roles for each other. The conversation goal has a positive interaction that leaves you with the same feelings as when you and your partner talk and really understand each other.
17. Learn to be patient
To succeed, learn the following 17 skills when you turn 20 Picture 17
If you are not a person with a high IQ, we guarantee: " All big goals take time to complete. That is, if you don't have patience, you won't get any achievements " .
" Good things simply never appear after one night. They need time to nourish and nourish, need us to 'sweat, boil tears' and spend time thinking. Age children are very shallow and many mistakes, but it is important to know how to learn lessons after those traumatic experiences. Patience is a prerequisite for success in life, "concludes user Steve Kobrin. .
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