10 things you need to remember when you are in the decision to choose

Everything in life is a choice. So try your best to choose the right things and make the effort to learn from the wrong decisions.

Life is like a road but there are many different types. There are long, short, straight, curved, flat or full of gravel roads . Moreover, there are countless ways in which we all make decisions to choose: celibacy or marriage, efforts to become famous, wealthy or lazy to live in poverty, isolation; there are paths that lead to victory and joy, but there are many paths to defeat and despair.

However, like any real path, life also has loops, intersections, hidden corners or stops . but perhaps, the most troublesome thing you can encounter is a fall. private. With four paths to choose while not sure where you will go, will you choose which path? Is that a right decision and who will verify your choice? Because of such dilemma situations, many people make serious mistakes in their lives, and even make them a different person.

At such times, keep in mind the following 10 things. They will be the guideline for you to make informed decisions in life.

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1. Don't believe in the so-called "absolute guarantee"

You don't really know where a path will lead you until you actually walk on it. There is no guarantee. This is one of the most important things you need to know about life.Nobody says that choosing to do the right things all the time always leads to happiness. Loving someone wholeheartedly does not guarantee that you will get back what you want. Having a reputation and money does not guarantee you to live happily ever after. Using a good word with an influential leader to shorten your career ladder is not a bad thing, especially if you are confident in your abilities and abilities. The only thing you can control is your decisions , how you act and how you react to different situations in life.

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2. It is better to fake a fool than to be smart

Life with what has not happened always has a very complex transformation. No matter how good or knowledgeable you are, you are not able to anticipate everything. Even if you use your experience or experience to measure or evaluate anything, at a glance, they can completely change.

So, no matter what happens, you should keep a humble attitude and brave to accept yourself as a fool before the non-stop transformation of creation. In fact, no one likes a person who always considers himself smart.

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3. It is better to pretend to be poor, not to show off

The ancients used to say: "Vi Phu inhuman" (Getting rich is often without virtue). This statement is not true, especially in modern and practical society, there have been many cases just because of money pitfalls that make family happiness broken. If someone admires, befriends you because you are rich, when something happens, they will also try to leave you and leave you alone to suffer.

So, don't pretend to be a rich man. Never show yourself as a person with a lot of money even if you really are.

4. Accept risk: Dare to make a decision

Because life is not for anyone the so-called "absolute guarantee" and you will never know that your decision will be wrong until you have done it, so you must accept take risks and make decisions. This is definitely better than putting yourself in limbo. Although right or wrong may be wrong, it will be an opportunity for you to enter adventures and discover more new paths.

However, do not make decisions arbitrarily . Accepting risk does not mean carelessness and lack of thought.

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5. It is better to pretend to lose, not to be aggressive

This advice is especially useful if you fall into a debate with someone / group of people. Don't stubbornly defend your opinion even if you know that your partner is making a mistake. Because once they refuse to admit they are wrong, let them experience and realize their mistakes. The fact that you continue to debate will make the two of you become more contradictory. Suppose to lose to keep benefits for both sides, it is a let go. People who dare to give up their reputation are people who understand morality!

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6. It is better to lose than to make a small profit

People are often born who want to benefit from themselves. Even, many people never suffer even a little. You must understand that sometimes it is blessed to accept it. Even if you are deceived, don't worry, trust the laws of nature and society, without needing to think of a plan for revenge.

7. It is better to be hard, not to desire to be lost

Do not just want to enjoy lost, peaceful, rich but not hard work. Because desire will give rise to the kinds of desires and desires that cause your soul and body to be "eroded". With hard work, hard work, you can appreciate what you can do and train yourself to be tempted by life.

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8. It is better to be a normal person, not to "buy a repentance name"

Don't try to run after fame. Do not use money or sacrifice loved ones to make yourself promoted and rich. Sometimes normal life is a happy thing. A lot of people want but can't.
Cheating, buying names, redeeming will cause your body and soul to become tired, cause trouble and "sow the storm".

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9. Would rather be confident, not blind

Confident in yourself is the power for you to get everything. Even if self-confidence is a bit blind, don't be so pessimistic and negative. You can completely adjust that. With just a minute of distrust, you can lose everything.

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10. Better to be healthy, better than "good fortune"

Health is extremely important, maybe even the most important thing in life. Even if there is no noble or wealthy position, if you are healthy you have been living well. But if you have a benefit and lose your health, you are losing everything.

How you want to live a life depends on yourself.The right to choose and make decisions is yours . It is important to be ready to face and do everything wisely. Only by identifying what you want most, what is most important to you, will your life pass meaningfully.

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