WiFi on board will be a step forward in the near future

Currently, many airlines have been providing WiFi services on flights to meet customers' internet usage needs.

Currently, many airlines have been offering WiFi services on flights to meet customers' internet usage needs, mostly in the form of additional packages when booking online. WiFi is usually accessed from a web interface and in some cases is even available for free.

But besides the expensive service fees, limited bandwidth, WiFi quality on the plane today is not really good, in which the problem of latency is the most common factor, making customers seem as if not too salty but this seemingly extremely helpful service.

Picture 1 of WiFi on board will be a step forward in the near future

However, the above disadvantages may be overcome soon. Recently, the Civil Air Alliance has come up with an idea to bring together a range of related aviation and technology companies to build a fever-connected service platform, to help the experience. Internet on the plane becomes more awesome while the cost will be significantly reduced.

The Seamless Air Alliance's idea of ​​eliminating the monopoly on in-flight internet services, operated by individual airlines as it is, instead establishes a common standard for WiFi services on aircraft, which can be flexibly swapped to allow airlines to respond better to technological innovation as well as customer needs.

'Our goal is to build a seamless, seamless platform that provides high-speed, low-latency 5G internet service on board. Access to the network will occur seamlessly, which means that all activated user devices will operate without logging in, requiring participation or registering for use as it is now. At the same time, this synchronized combination will make the internet experience equally good, and in many cases even better than on the ground, with the benefit of low latency, high speed and continuous gate service. -to-gate '.

Seamless Air Alliance is currently setting up a testing program for standards, with a full test planned for the next 6 months. Seamless Air Alliance will not develop technology, but focus on developing technical standards, then partner with third party companies to develop available technologies and hardware in accordance with specifications. there. Appropriate products will be certified and test equipment onboard.

Building an open, standardized WiFi system on board will not be simple, it can take from 1 to 2 years to realize. However, if the actual results match expectations, this wait is well worth it.

Update 07 March 2020


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