What is it? Is life good?

So what does it mean? How to express it. Please find out through the following article of Network Administrator.

In life, sometimes frustrating or stressful at work, you will show a rather negative attitude that makes people around you feel uncomfortable with your attitude. At times like this, there will be people who say you are so grumpy or how difficult it is? In the article below we will go to find out what exactly means? How to express in life. Please find out through the following article of Network Administrator.

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1. What is sharpening?

Sharpening is an adjective that is often used to describe someone's anger about a certain problem. For example, people will often say: 'this child seems so harsh' or 'do something as harsh as shrimp paste' .

It is a mood that we often encounter when we are angry with someone and at times like this you will not want to be bothered to you so often scathing and angry with anyone who touches "ants fire ".

Picture 1 of What is it? Is life good?

Sharpening is used depending on different circumstances and it will have different meanings.

Stubborn is a verb that usually refers to the attitude and feelings of someone who is often annoyed by something and saying in a calm, frustrated tone in the person who is slightly overpowered to everyone around him makes her Who dares to touch. Sharpness is often used when talking about human state such as: harsh, harsh, irritable, frightening .

The harshness used when the adjective is completely different. This word is often used when referring to human senses such as harsh salty, harsh sun, intense red. Or it can be used when bringing a sense of stress to you like: harsh test, harsh criticism .

2. Is it good to do it and what is it to do?

Picture 2 of What is it? Is life good?

In fact, in life we ​​easily see people who are irritable. However, you should remember that this state is not good at all, because it can be more frustrating for you as well as the discomfort for those around you when you have to interact with someone like you. So, depending on the circumstances, you show your emotions accordingly. If possible, try to control yourself to avoid inhibiting yourself as well as those around you when you have to interact with you.

For example: When you get frustrated about your job, you may be frustrated at the company, but when you go home with your wife, children or family, you should throw away all your troubles where you create them to be happy. Go home with your family.

Update 03 July 2019


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