The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps'

The land of the rising sun is not only popular with the standard but Japanese school regulations are quite strict and somewhat harsh.

Every country in the world has its own unique and unique points in education. And Japan is no exception, this is a country with very strict rules for students. For every normal student, the biggest obsession of the children here is not only to get up early, go to school on time and do homework regularly but also a mess of rules to follow every day. Below will be a summary of 15 regulations that Japanese schools promise to make your child extremely surprised by its uniqueness.

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1. In Japanese schools, strict timeliness is strictly enforced. Every day, students must be in the classroom at 8:30 am and only need to be late for 5 'will have to receive a cleaning cleaning penalty a week later.

The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 1The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 1

2. Rituals with teachers and elders are always strictly enforced by all students. Before and after each class, the children need to prepare a solemn posture, stand up and bow to the teachers so politely.

3. In addition to social behavior, eating should also follow the school rules. Every day, children have to prepare personal items to receive lunch in class. After that, the students were also asked to finish their parts and brush their teeth clean when finished.

4. Instead of relying on cleaning staff, students in Japan will take on the role of keeping the classroom clean and the hallway clean. This is to allow schools to educate students about cleanliness.

The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 2The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 2

5. The 5-6 week vacation period in Japan is also quite different. During that time, the children must go to class, solve homework and participate in school clubs.

6. Until 1992, the weekend in Japan was only one day. By the time the government realized the shortage and increased the rest time for students, many high schools still ignored the rules, opening classes on Saturdays.

7. High school students in Japan will be under strict emotional management to reduce the risk of neglecting their education.

The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 3The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 3

8. Some schools in Japan still have draconian rules regarding their looks and hair. For example, girls are not allowed to let the roof longer than the eyebrows and wear too colorful hair bands. Boys are not allowed to leave their hair long and always cut, keep neat at all times.

9. There are also a few rules regarding uniforms when attending Japanese schools. Even though they have been dismissed, the games are still required to comply with this rule to preserve the image of the school.

The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 4The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 4

10. Some schools do not even allow students to change their appearance through hair dyeing, makeup or eyebrows and nail polish.

11. When wearing uniforms, students are only allowed to use leather coats, navy blue, black or gray and avoid multicolored jackets.

12. Technology days, but the use of mobile phones in Japanese schools must also comply with the rules. For example, students may only use the phone after class is dismissed at the parking lot or at the school gate.

The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 5The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 5

13. Swimming lessons - part of the extracurricular program in Japan are well-prepared. Most schools have swimming pools and students are required to comply at a certain distance. If you accidentally missed the subject, you will have to repeat it in the summer.

14. For some countries, having a substitute teacher in the classroom is a privilege for students to be lazy one day. However, schools in Japan will rarely have substitute teachers and if this happens, students will have to learn by themselves and carry out the most appropriate behavior.

The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 6The 15 harsh rules in Japanese school just listening is enough to make you 'goosebumps' Picture 6

15. There is a rule on curfew for young Japanese. Children were asked to be at home at 10 pm and banned from sleeping with friends completely.

Some cities will apply different rules. However, Tokyo and Yokohama are the two cities that enforce this curfew. Students under the age of 18 are denied at theaters and entertainment areas after 10 pm.

15 rules are not only strict, but also horrible, aren't you? Compared to Japan, Vietnam is still comfortable, isn't it? But it is these strict rules that help to train very well since they were young.

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