What is ISO? What is ISO standard? Types of ISO today

What is ISO? What is ISO standard? Types of ISO today. Today, we buy goods often have bar code symbols and certificates of ISO 9001: 2005. Most of us would not understand those standards if you were an average consumer

Today, we buy goods often have bar code symbols and certificates of ISO 9001: 2005. Most of us will not understand those standards if you are a normal consumer. So what is ISO? Let's find out about ISO in this article!

Picture 1 of What is ISO? What is ISO standard? Types of ISO today

1. What is ISO? What is ISO standard?

Picture 2 of What is ISO? What is ISO standard? Types of ISO today

ISO stands for International Organization Standardization, which means the agency that establishes international standards, setting industry and commercial standards around the world. ISOwas founded on February 23, 1947 in Geneva, Switzerland and is organized in more than 160 different countries. ISO was created with the aim of creating safe, reliable and high-quality products and services. ISO standards enable businesses to launch products and services of appropriate standards to minimize errors and avoid waste in repairing damaged goods. With this standard, we can compare products in different markets, helping businesses from different markets can provide the same qualified and quality products. market, developing global trade in a fair way.        

2. Current types of ISO

Picture 3 of What is ISO? What is ISO standard? Types of ISO today

There are more than 20 thousand different international quality standards across many fields. Let's explore some of the common ISO standards below.

- ISO 9000: Is a Quality Management System standard first published in 1987 created to help organizations ensure the needs of customers and third parties in accordance with the standards. .

- ISO 9001: This regulation was first published in 1994 and is still applied today. The latest set of ISO 9001 quality management systems, ISO 9001: 2015, is used to evaluate an organization's quality management system.

- ISO 13485: This is a quality management system for the health sector, applicable to organizations involved in the manufacture, design, maintenance of medical devices and related services.

- ISO 14001: This is an international standard issued for the Environmental Management System. In particular, ISO 14001: 2015 is used for any organization wishing to establish and improve the environmental system in accordance with environmental policies and requirements.

- ISO 20000: This is the standard for a service management system and is only for service providers to plan, deploy, operate and improve their service systems.

- ISO 22000: This standard is for food safety management systems. The latest version of the food safety and quality management system is ISO 22000: 2018.

- ISO 26000 : This is the standard, principles of social responsibility. This regulation helps businesses organize services, share methods related to social responsibility, globally.

- ISO 27000: This standard is issued to help organizations keep property information such as financial information, intellectual property copyrights and third-party transactions secure.

- ISO 28000: This standard is applied to supply chain security in business activities and links with many other aspects of business.

- ISO 30000: This is a special standard issued for ship recycling facility management systems. Some regulations on ship recycling such as: ship recycling permit, safety check, ship damage . before recycling.

- ISO 45001: This is a standard for occupational health and safety management systems. With this standard, businesses can set a pattern to improve the safety of employees and minimize risks caused by occupational accidents.

- ISO 50001: This set of standards is designed for the energy industry, helping organizations and businesses to use energy resources more effectively with the standards of an energy management system.

Picture 4 of What is ISO? What is ISO standard? Types of ISO today

Through this article, we have learned some basics about ISO standards along with current ISO types. If this article is useful, please leave your comments and comments in the comment section below! I wish you a learning day, work effectively and enjoyable!

Update 19 May 2020


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