What is HeidiSQL? A guide to using HeidiSQL to manage databases

HeidiSQL is a free open source tool specifically designed for MySQL and MariaDB database administration.

Picture 1 of What is HeidiSQL? A guide to using HeidiSQL to manage databases

HeidiSQL is a free open source tool specifically designed for MySQL and MariaDB database administration. With a friendly graphical interface, HeidiSQL helps users easily manipulate and manage their databases without complicated commands. Let's learn about HeidiSQL with  TipsMake  in the following article.

What is HeidiSQL?

HeidiSQL is an open source database management software that allows users to connect to and manage a variety of databases, including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, InterBase, Firebird, and SQLite. Developed by a single individual, HeidiSQL has undergone years of development and improvement to become one of the most popular tools in the database management field.

Some outstanding features of HeidiSQL

HeidiSQL has many useful features for users, helping to manage databases more effectively and conveniently. Let's take a look at some of the outstanding features of HeidiSQL below:

  1. Connect to multiple servers in one window
  2. Connect to server via command line
  3. Create and edit tables, views, stored procedures, triggers, and scheduled events.
  4. Generate beautiful SQL-exports
  5. Export directly from one server/database to another
  6. User rights management
  7. Import text file
  8. Export table rows as CSV, HTML, XML, SQL, LaTeX and Wiki Markup
  9. Browse and edit table data with convenient grid
  10. Bulk edit tables (move to database, change tools, sort, etc.)
  11. Batch insert ASCII or binary files into table
  12. Write queries with custom syntax highlighting and code completion
  13. SQL reformatting is quite messy
  14. Track and cancel customer progress
  15. Find specific text in all tables of all databases of a server
  16. Optimize and repair tables in bulk

How is HeidiSQL different from MySQL?

Although HeidiSQL and MySQL both deal with database management, they have their differences. Here are some of the key differences between HeidiSQL and MySQL.


MySQL is a command-line interface (CLI)-based database management system, while HeidiSQL provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for database management. As a result, HeidiSQL provides a more intuitive and interactive experience, while the MySQL environment is more flexible and specialized. 

Platform Compatibility

MySQL is capable of running on most operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. HeidiSQL only runs on Windows operating systems. This can be a limitation for users who want to use the software on other platforms.

However, focusing on one platform also helps HeidiSQL optimize performance and user experience on Windows, providing greater stability and efficiency.

Easier to use

HeidiSQL is designed to be easier to use than MySQL. The intuitive interface and supporting features help users quickly get acquainted and perform database management tasks without difficulty. Beginners or those with little experience will not take much time to get used to it. 

Additional Features

HeidiSQL has many features that MySQL does not have, such as connecting to various types of databases, query management and query history, as well as database backup and restore tools. These features help users manage databases more efficiently and conveniently.

Advanced Functions

HeidiSQL provides a number of advanced features, such as database performance optimization, database usage analysis, and user and permission management. These features help users manage their databases more efficiently and securely.


HeidiSQL can be extended through plugins and add-ons. This allows users to customize and extend the software's functionality according to their needs. Plugin support also allows users to integrate additional tools and features they need to optimize their workflow.

Picture 2 of What is HeidiSQL? A guide to using HeidiSQL to manage databases

How is HeidiSQL different from MySQL?

Instructions for downloading and installing HeidiSQL

To start using HeidiSQL, you need to download and install the software on your computer. Below are detailed instructions on the system requirements and how to download and install HeidiSQL.

System Requirements

Before downloading and installing HeidiSQL, you need to make sure that your computer meets the following system requirements:

  1. Operating system: Windows, including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.
  2. Minimum RAM: 1 GB.
  3. Minimum free disk space: 100 MB.

If your computer meets the above requirements, you can continue downloading and installing the software.

Download and install the software

To download and install HeidiSQL, follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the official HeidiSQL website at https://heidisql.com/.

Step 2: Find and download the version that matches your operating system. You will usually see a download link for the latest version of the software.

Step 3: Once downloaded, run the setup file and follow the on-screen instructions. You will be asked to select the installation folder and confirm the installation options.

Step 4: Complete the installation and start HeidiSQL.

Once installed, you can start using HeidiSQL to manage your database.

Instructions for using HeidiSQL to manage Database

Once HeidiSQL is installed, you can start connecting to the database and performing management operations. Here is a detailed guide on how to use HeidiSQL to manage your database.

Connect to Database

To connect to the database, follow these steps:

  1. Open HeidiSQL and click the New button to create a new connection.
  2. Name the connection and fill in the necessary information such as hostname/IP, port, username and password to connect to the database.
  3. Select the database type as MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL.
  4. Click Open to connect to the database.

HeidiSQL Client Configuration

Open the database client and click the New button to create a new entry.

Then you will need to name the entry and fill in the MySQL database information.

  1. Network Type: set to MySQL (TCP/IP).
  2. Hostname / IP: fill in the remote MySQL hostname address.
  3. User: Fill in MySQL database information.
  4. Password: Enter user password.
  5. Port: The default MySQL port for local and remote connections is 3306.
  6. Databases: Enter MySQL database name.

Data manipulation and management

Once installed and configured, you can freely use the tools to manipulate and manage data in the database.

  1. Create table: Right click on the database name, select Create Table. Enter the table name and define the table structure including column names, data types, length, primary key and constraints.
  2. Edit data in a table: Double-click the table to view the data, click the field you want to edit, enter the new data, and save the changes.
  3. Add data to the table: Right-click the table, select Insert Rows. Enter new values ​​for the columns and save the changes.
  4. Delete data in the table: Select the rows you want to delete, right-click and select Delete selected rows, confirm the delete action.
  5. Search for data: Click the Search icon in the table window, enter a search keyword, and click Search.
  6. Export data: Right click on the table, select Export Data. Select the data export format (CSV, TXT, SQL, XML) and the location to save the export file.
  7. Import data: Right click on the table, select Import Data. Select the data file you want to import, the data format and the data import options (import into existing table, create new table).

Some errors that may occur when using HeidiSQL

When using HeidiSQL, it is inevitable that you will encounter errors. Below are 3 common errors that often occur when using Heidi and how to fix each error:

Can't connect to MySQL server:

This error is usually caused by a misconfigured MySQL connection port. To fix this error, check the port in the HeidiSQL configuration. On most hostings, the connection port is 3306. You can contact your hosting provider to know the exact port used to connect to the database.

Unknown MySQL server host: 

This error occurs due to incorrect MySQL server hostname. To fix it, double check what MySQL hostname is, is it correct. On Hostinger, you can see this information in Remote MySQL section in hosting panel.

Access denied for user: 

This error can be due to many reasons and may be related to incorrect login information or missing IP field in Remote MySQL section. If you get this error, try:

  1. Check again if MySQL login username and password are correct
  2. Check if the IP address of the connecting computer is allowed to access the MySQL server
  3. If still not working, contact your hosting provider for support.


HeidiSQL is a powerful, easy-to-use, and free database administration tool. With an intuitive graphical interface, the software helps users easily manage tasks related to MySQL and MariaDB databases. 

Update 12 February 2025


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