What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer. Currently most online games have built-in voice chat system but not every game has it, not to mention the built-in voice chat system in the game.

In order to increase the win rate during the game, communication with teammates is extremely important, especially for team games. Usually when we are playing games with friends, the communication is extremely comfortable, but when playing alone with unfamiliar teammates, we can only communicate via voice chat. Currently most online games have built-in voice chat system but not every game has it, not to mention the built-in voice chat system in the game is quite bad. This is the reason why voice chat software was born and Discord is one of them. This article TipsMake.com will together with you to find out what Discord is and what this software has advantages that make gamers so popular. Invite you to follow!

Picture 1 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

1. What is Discord?

Discord is a text and voice chat system that allows gamers to communicate with each other while playing on the same game.

The advantage of Discord is that the intuitive, modern interface should suit most users. Gamers can create a private chat channel, invite friends to join with just a few simple clicks - saving the maximum waiting time before you can enter dramatic battles. And especially you will not have to pay any fee to register for an account and use Discord.

2. How to register a Discord account

Signing up for a Discord account is very simple and completely free, follow these steps:

Step 1: You access the address https://discordapp.com/register

Then on the interface of the website you enter the full information as required and click Continue.

Note : You must enter the correct Email address because after creating the account, you will have to access the mailbox to confirm your account.

Picture 2 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

Step 2 : Your account has been created, when a message appears, click Skip to skip:

Picture 3 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

Step 3 : Now go to your email inbox to confirm your account, open the message that Discord sent to you and click the Verify Email button .

Picture 4 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

Step 4 : A new website appears, please check the box I am not a robot and confirm that the request is complete.

Picture 5 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

Thus we have completed the registration of Discord account.

3. How to use Discord

Discord supports us on the web, but to optimize and experience the best, we should download the Discord application to our computer.

Discord download link: https://discordapp.com/download

Download and double-click the file and the software will automatically install you do not need to do anything. After installation is complete, you proceed to login your account:

Picture 6 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

After logging in, the interface of the software will appear as shown below:

Picture 7 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

Now you can make friends with your friends to Chat Voice, to make friends with others, enter both their name and the name tag of that person as shown below:

Picture 8 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

You can view your name tag by looking in the lower left corner of the screen, or clicking the settings icon:

Picture 9 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

Your name tag will appear in the My Account section, the Username section:

Picture 10 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

To voice chat with a friend, just right-click on the person's name and select Call:

Picture 11 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

However, it is just a voice chat between two people, to chat group, you will need to create a server or join a server that your friends invite.

To create or join the server, click the plus button on the left side of the screen:

Picture 12 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

A small window appears, to create the server, select Create a Server , to join the server, select Join a Server

Picture 13 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

Here we will select Create a Server to try to create a server, in the new window enter the name of the Server, you can change the area of ​​the Server by clicking the Change button, changing the avatar by clicking go to the circular avata section. Finally click Create to create the server.

Picture 14 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

Now that we have created the server, you can now invite your friends to the server for voice chat by clicking Invite People.

Picture 15 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

A small window will appear with a link, please copy the link to send to your friends to join the server. The link will expire in 1 day, if you want the link to never expire then select Set this link to never expire then copy the link.

Picture 16 of What is Discord How to register and use Discord - The perfect chat software for Gamer

So TipsMake.com has guided you the basic steps to register for an account as well as how to use Discord to chat voice with friends while playing games. Discord has a lot of other interesting features, please learn for yourself to use Discord more effectively. Good luck!

Update 18 May 2020


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