Web 2.0 is not just technology

Considered a revolution in the cyber world, the new generation of web has important changes not only in the technology platform but also in the way it is used - forming the community environment, where people contribute to 'virtual' society, not just 'browse and watch'.

Considered a revolution in the cyber world, the new generation of web has important changes not only in the technology platform but also in the way it is used - forming the community environment, where people contribute to "virtual" society, not just "browse and watch".

What is Web 2.0?How to distinguish where the Web 1.0 is Web 2.0?The term "Web 2.0" is becoming more prevalent and somewhat overstated.In fact, Web 2.0 means using the web in accordance with its nature and capabilities!

The first goal of Internet construction pioneers is to connect researchers and their computers together to be able to share information effectively.When adding the World Wide Web (1990), Tim Berners-Lee also aims to create a means to allow users to freely put information on the Internet and easily share it with everyone (Berners first web browser - Lee writes including web page editing tools.However, then the web has developed in a slightly different direction than the original goal.

While there are some exceptions, the Web 1.0 world (the web generation before Web 2.0) mainly consists of "closed" websites of news agencies or companies aimed at reaching readers or customers more effectively.It is a means of delivering information rather than a means of sharing information.Just recently, new technologies such as blogs (or weblogs), wikis . have become more community (and collaborative) and become closer to expectations and possibilities. Its real power.


The concept of Web 2.0 was first launched by Dale Dougherty, vice president of OReilly Media, at the first Web 2.0 conference held by OReilly Media and MediaLive International in October 2004.Dougherty does not give a definition but uses comparative examples to distinguish Web 1.0 and Web 2.0: "DoubleClick is Web 1.0; Google AdSense is Web 2.0. Ofoto is Web 1.0; Flickr is Web 2.0. Britannica online is Web 1.0; Wikipedia is Web 2.0.Then Tim OReilly, president and CEO of OReilly Media, concluded seven features of Web 2.0:

  1. Web has a fundamental role, can run all applications
  2. Community intelligence gathering
  3. Data plays a key role
  4. Software is provided in the form of web services and is constantly updated
  5. Application development is easy and fast
  6. Software can run on many devices
  7. Rich application interface

At first, Web 2.0 focused on technology, emphasizing the role of application platform.But for the second Web 2.0 conference held in October 2005, Web 2.0 was emphasized on the deeper nature - community factor.


In fact, web applications are a very important component of Web 2.0.A series of new technologies have been developed to make the more robust, faster and easier to use web application, considered the foundation of Web 2.0.

Web 2.0's technology architecture is still developing but basically includes: server software, content delivery mechanisms, communication protocols, browsers and applications.

Provide content

The first and most important step towards Web 2.0 is the content delivery mechanism, using standardized protocols to allow users to use information in their own way (ie, customization). information).There are many protocols developed to provide content like RSS, RDF and Atom, all based on XML.There are also special protocols like FOAF and XFN that extend the functionality of the website or allow users to interact.

Web service

Two-way communication protocols are one of the key components of Web 2.0 architecture.There are two main types of protocols: REST and SOAP.REST (Representation State Transfer) is a form of web service request that the client transmits the status of all transactions;while SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is server dependent in maintaining status information.With both types, web services are invoked via API.The common language of web services is XML, but there may be exceptions.

A good example of the new generation communication protocol is Object Properties Broadcasting Protocol developed by Chris Dockree.This protocol allows virtual objects (existing on the web) to know what they "are and can do," so that they can communicate with each other when needed.

Server software

Web 2.0 is built on the previous generation web architecture but focuses more on software working behind the scenes.The content delivery mechanism is just different from the dynamic content delivery method (of Web 1.0), but web services require stricter work and data.

Current Web 2.0 development solutions can be classified into two categories: or build most features on a single server platform;or build an "add-on" application for web servers that uses API communication.

Picture 1 of Web 2.0 is not just technology


Technology is just the "surface" of Web 2.0, it is the user community that is the fundamental factor creating the new web generation.Switching from "browsing and viewing" to "joining" is the real revolution, of course thanks to the development of technology that helps realize this ability, but here wants to emphasize user behavior for the web. .

The current status of websites of generation 1.0 is that it contains many annoying and slow things, always seems to send the user the message: this is our website and not yours.The root of the problem may be that the owners of websites feel they "give" something.Sometimes website owners think that the more difficult it is for users, the more they benefit!Typically, some sites let you read the first paragraph of the article and ask you to register (for a fee or not) to read the rest.


Too much expectation : Many people believe that Web 2.0 will put an end to the application installed on the computer (desktop application) and is the solution to all problems in the software field. Web 2.0 applications require a fast and stable Internet connection to work. Unless the broadband connection is covered, Web 2.0 is just a complement to the way we work (besides desktop applications).
Too simple : Web 2.0 = Ajax! Like Web 2.0, Ajax is expected too much, even many people equate Ajax with Web 2.0. In essence, Ajax is just one of many of Web 2.0's fundamental technologies and Ajax has its limitations.
Over-the-top technology : RSS, SOA, Ajax . a series of popular emerging technologies have been tied to Web 2.0.People are eager to apply new technologies regardless of the more important properties: communication, collaboration, community intelligence.

Of course, with the popularity of server software, including free software like Apache, users can post any information on the web.However, there are many factors hindering: website creation skills, restrictions of Internet service providers, security and censorship .

Basically, Web 2.0 empowers users more and creates an environment that closely connects individuals.There are now many examples that the user community can contribute valuable information when they have the right means.Wikipedia is probably the most famous example.Although many scholars do not appreciate Wikipedia, they forget one important thing: it is good enough, free and many people can read it.There are also other examples such as Reddit and Digg sites that let users decide what information is important, or del.icio.us allows people to share good web addresses.

Web 2.0 allows anyone to post any information online.With a large number of participants, to some extent, through the screening process, information will become extremely valuable.There is a similarity with natural selection theory.


In fact, Web 2.0 is not something completely new but a development from the current web.It is still the web as we have used it for a long time, only now we work with the web differently.Websites are no longer "islands" but become sources of information and functionality, forming the computing environment for web applications and users.

Not a scenario, Web 2.0 already exists around us with a series of new generation websites.The trend of transition to Web 2.0 is going strong and is an inevitable trend.

Phuong Uyen

• What is Web 2.0, OReilly
• Web 2.0, Wikipedia
• Web 2.0 Blog, web2.wsj.com

Update 25 May 2019


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