The best employee computer monitoring software

As managers, it's important to understand what employees do on their computers because they can work alone during working hours, affect productivity, or, worse, steal information. Information, company secrets.

In the article below, let's take a look at the software that helps you monitor employee computers best.

1. Spytech SpyAgent

The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 1The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 1

Spytech SpyAgent is like a detective software with the ability to "invisible" on the system and send data on the computer silently to its owner. To make the software anonymous, Steath mode will run in the background and depending on the user's settings, the application will save the data that you need to collect such as keyboard, mouse, program, screenshot. , scrap, webcam . To protect the software, users are required to create a password for the software to avoid intruders.

Note: The monitoring software is a form of Spyware so anti-virus software will say Spyware SpyAgent, Trojan32 . Readers should turn off the anti-virus software before installing to avoid error.

Download software link at here

2. Argos Monitoring

The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 2The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 2

Argos Monitoring helps you to monitor random activities on your computer such as recording keystrokes (Key logger), screenshots and website access history. The main features on the software are:

  1. - Record activities on the keyboard (Keylogger).
  2. - Record access history of websites.
  3. - Take a screenshot.
  4. - Works silently on the system and is difficult to detect.

Download software link at here

3. Arrow

The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 3The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 3

This is a tool developed by Vietnamese on AutoIT platform. The software is equipped with tracking features on the computer and can work silently to avoid being detected. Key features on the software are:

  1. - Remotely monitor a computer, record browsing history, disable incognito mode in Chrome and take screenshots at any time.
  2. - Works anonymously and sends collected data to the control panel (Control Panel) of the software.
  3. - Limited time to use the computer.
  4. - Support on Windows, Android, Web platforms

Software download link here

4. LastActivityView

The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 4The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 4

LastActivityView will record the last time you opened the application and opened the file, so you can control the computer to see what employees use and how long the operation time. All software, file opening actions are recorded by the software and this software also helps you to control the strange files and processes running on suspected virus systems.

Software download link here

To download, visit the website above and scroll down to find Download LastActivityView to download it.

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5. USBDeview

The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 6The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 6

USB is a compact storage device with quite large storage capacity. By checking whether the computer is plugged in and how the USB device helps you to prevent the risk of theft of important data or prevent strange USB devices used by your employees. may contain viruses.

Link to download the software here

Find and click Download USBDeview for x64 systems if your computer uses a 64bit operating system.

The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 7The best employee computer monitoring software Picture 7

With monitoring software operating on the computer, you can control the content that employees access and provide appropriate protections if there is a violation of the laws of the organization or company. Have a nice day!

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