Using laptops a lot: Loi is not good

Sitting too long with a laptop is equally dangerous as a desktop computer, especially affecting human health.

The current laptop line is born more and more, helping owners solve the job well. Many people 'stick' to laptops almost 24/24. However, sitting too long with a laptop is equally harmful compared to desktop computers, especially affecting human health.

Picture 1 of Using laptops a lot: Loi is not good
Laptops are often used in all positions, from placing on the thighs, desks or even holding one hand and typing with the other. Convenient and so but the harm is also many. Because the keyboard and screen of the laptop are too close to each other, if the screen is on the right view, the keyboard will be too high and vice versa. In other words, if you try to keep your wrists and shoulders comfortable, your head and neck are tired. This is especially serious when more and more people replace regular desktops with laptops. Most of the keyboards of laptops are smaller than those of desktops, which will make the users' wrists and hands in a shrunken position very uncomfortable, especially those with large hands. Besides, the position between the touchpad and the keyboard is always fixed, not adjustable to suit each user. Both of these factors make the laptop use position less comfortable.

The best way to fix the problem is to rest for a few minutes after every hour of work on your laptop. In addition, you should also stretch your fingers and straighten your arms for a few seconds according to a certain cycle to be more comfortable.

One of the other effective ways to overcome the above problems is to use peripherals such as keyboards and mice every time you use the machine for a long time (usually in fixed locations like home or office). room), so it will be much easier to use.

Although called a lap-top computer (lap-top), using a laptop on your lap is not very comfortable because your neck and shoulders are vulnerable. Also, the high temperature from the laptop's base is not very good for your thighs and some other parts. Therefore, unless you only need to check a letter or chat with your relatives, you should try to use the tabletop on a table with a moderate height. In case of using the device with your neck bent, you should occasionally look up and vice versa.

Finally, even modern thin and sticky models can become heavy when you travel long distances and tired. In that case, you should find a backpack like elementary school students. Maybe it makes you look less . stylish, a little bit but no matter what, health is still the most important thing.

In general, there are many potential problems for every laptop user. You should pay attention to how machines are arranged, sitting, viewing angles and distances. In addition, a break between multiple hours of computer work is necessary.

Update 25 May 2019


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