Choose desktop or laptop?

Guide you how to choose a desktop or laptop computer to suit your needs

When thinking about equipping a computer for the first time, many people always wonder about which type of computer to choose. Choose a small and light laptop for convenience in work or choose a desktop computer that is easy to use and suitable for everyone. The following are analysis and suggestions about desktop computers (desktops) and laptops (laptops, notebooks) that will partly help you make an informed decision before buying a computer.

Choose desktop or laptop? Picture 1Choose desktop or laptop? Picture 1 Choose desktop or laptop?

Shapes of desktops and laptops

  1. The desktop computer has a large, solid shape. is fixed in one position, devices such as monitors, keyboards, mice, speakers,. are left outside and connected to the computer. case with data cable. Some keyboards and mice can use a wireless connection.

Choose desktop or laptop? Picture 2Choose desktop or laptop? Picture 2 Desktop Computer Desktop - Tower PC

  1. Desktop computers have a vertical case (Tower) and a desktop case (Desktop, Flat, HTPC: Home Theater PC).

Choose desktop or laptop? Picture 3Choose desktop or laptop? Picture 3 Desktop - Desktop PC

Desktop - Desktop PC

  1. The laptop has a compact shape, thin screen and can be folded, so it is convenient to move. All necessary equipment is integrated into the machine.

Choose desktop or laptop? Picture 4Choose desktop or laptop? Picture 4 Laptop - LaptopComputers - Laptop

Functions of desktop and laptop computers

  1. Desktop and laptop computers both have components with the same functions, however the laptop parts are made smaller, compact and lower power to match the compact shape and portability. its capacity.

Choose desktop or laptop? Picture 5Choose desktop or laptop? Picture 5 Parts of a laptop Computer
parts are designed to be compact

Technology of desktop and laptop computers

  1. Both desktop and laptop computers can be integrated with the latest technologies such as multi-core, multi-threaded processors, high-end graphics equipment to suit the use of increasingly application programs. large and varied.
  2. While the technologies of desktop computers are mainly high-speed and large-capacity to serve high work needs, the technology of notebook computers places much emphasis on energy-saving and stability to help them work for a long time when using batteries.

Cost of desktop and laptop computers

Both have types of machines with many different configurations and prices to meet the needs of all users, but with the same configuration, a desktop computer can be only about half. price of laptops.

Usability of desktop and laptop computers

  1. Desktop computers can operate continuously and withstand high work pressure, parts with large capacity should consume a lot of power. Devices such as keyboards, mice, etc. are located outside and are of a comfortable size, so they are easy to use.
  2. Desktop computers have removable components, easy to maintain or repair when needed, and the cost is not too high.
  3. Laptops are specialized for moving, so they can use both battery and electricity, but the battery life is not long. Due to the compact structure, the operation when using a laptop computer will be slightly more difficult than a desktop computer. However, if you want, you can still attach additional devices such as keyboards, mice, . of desktop computers to use through slots equipped on laptops or connections. wireless.
  4. Laptop computers have compact and specialized components, so it is very difficult to repair and replace. and the cost is often very high, in some cases it cannot be repaired or replaced.

Choose a desktop or a laptop?

  1. You often move and always need to access information from a computer or the Internet, you are a fan of Café WIFI. laptop is your first choice. Get yourself a laptop with the highest configuration possible within your means, because upgrading a laptop is difficult if not impossible.
  2. You need a computer to learn, to help you in your work such as design, graphics, film processing, photos. and for many users, a desktop computer is suitable for you.
  3. In addition, if you are a gamer who always 'hugs' the machine for hours, a desktop computer with high processing speed, large memory and high-end graphics card is ready to meet your needs. .
  4. Finally, a desktop computer for work, entertainment and a laptop for use when traveling for work, travel. is always the dream of many people, both are always a choice. perfect choice.
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