Twitter co-founder Evan Williams resigned after more than 12 years

'It was a wonderful 12 years in my career.

According to a new file submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Evan Williams, co-founder of Twitter's second largest social networking site, who is currently the CEO of the Medium publishing platform, has Approved to decide to stop serving from the board of this social networking site. Reportedly, Mr. Evan Williams will complete the handover and leave later this month.

'It was a wonderful 12 years in my career. I am proud of what Twitter has achieved, as well as its contributions throughout the working time in this wonderful environment. I never thought I would stop the effort, even in the few remaining days with Twitter '. Mr. Williams shared on personal Twitter.

Picture 1 of Twitter co-founder Evan Williams resigned after more than 12 years

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Evan Williams was the co-founder of Twitter in 2007, along with Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone, after the social networking site separated from other projects that the three worked together at podcasting Odeo. In 2008, Evan Williams became Twitter's CEO, replacing Jack Dorsey. However, only two years later, Dick Costolo replaced Evan Williams in this position after some unreasonable scandals. Leaving aside the unfortunate problems that happened, Evan Williams was one of the first people to lay the foundation for Twitter's growth as today with over 12 years of hard work.

Picture 2 of Twitter co-founder Evan Williams resigned after more than 12 years

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As soon as this information was given, Evan Williams sent a tweet thanking his colleagues.

'Thank you, @jack and @biz for creating this' crazy' company with me, and the more wonderful thing is that we somehow succeeded in making it grow. stronger. And also the other members of the board, who have just joined or have been in the company for a long time, are very lucky to have been working with you, serving on the board @Twitter for 12 years. . It is really an exciting, arduous, challenging time but also very valuable. "

Hope Evan Williams will be even more successful in his new position!

Update 24 May 2019


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