Top 5 Software to Measure Computer Power Consumption
Hoang Ha PC introduces software to measure computer power consumption to help calculate power consumption levels effectively and accurately for your reference.
CPU-Z Software
CPU-Z is the top free software to check the information of the computer system you are using. Not only does it allow you to see all the system information such as the name, but it also helps you check the power consumption of your computer.
To measure the power consumption of your computer, first install the latest version of CPU-Z software and launch it.
In the CPU-Z window you will see many information tabs such as . Select the CPU tab, the Max TDP section will display the maximum power consumption of the CPU.
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Overclockulator - Software to accurately measure computer power consumption
The next tool is Overclockulator , a software that allows you to determine the power consumption of your computer.
This computer power consumption measurement software can perform accurate calculations to provide solutions such as: distributing or using power sources appropriately.
First, you declare the parameters of the computer configuration. Then click Calculator to start the calculation. After a very short time, the total power consumption of your computer will be displayed in the Power Supply tab.
Based on this consumption level, Overclockulator will also suggest to you the correct number of Watts of electricity that your computer needs to be supplied. The software's energy window also displays both the power value and the amount of electricity your computer has used.
You can download it at:
Using LocalCooling software
LocalCooling is a tool that helps you check the power consumption of devices on your computer in the most detailed and accurate way. Besides, LocalCooling can also support you in reducing power consumption on computer devices.
First, you download and install LocalCooling for your computer. Next, access the software and go to the Power tab, you will see all the detailed power consumption of the components in the computer. Including all the devices that come with your computer such as
You can download it at:
In addition, the LocalCooling software also allows you to customize the power saving environment according to the software levels via the General tab.
Or create your own power-saving environment according to your preferences via the Advanced tab .
Measure computer power consumption with Unigine Suite
Another software that can help you measure your computer's power consumption is Unigine Suite . This software can test computer hardware at many levels, suitable for many computer configuration systems from popular to high-end.
Thanks to the integration of tools, Unigine Suite software allows you to easily check your computer's consumption level. Unigine Suite puts your computer under maximum load conditions to measure its performance accurately. You can also easily export the data you need to check to a file to compare the parameters with other systems. From there, you can evaluate and adjust the machine's productivity accordingly.
In addition, Unigine Suite also has a hardware scoring function that helps you evaluate the usage level as well as the tolerance limits of components such as
Refer to download at:
Computer Power Consumption Measurement Software - Joulemeter
Joulemeter is a software released by Microsoft, which is capable of calculating the power consumption of a computer relatively accurately. In addition, Joulemeter can also estimate the power consumption of each software on the computer to a certain extent.
To use Joulemeter , you just need to enter the name of the process you want to check the productivity in the Application Power section of the Power Usage tab . Next, click Start for the software to proceed with statistics and store the power consumption parameters of that process. You can also export the results that Joulemeter checks to a file in Power Usage .
The energy consumption of processes will be estimated and displayed in watts per hour.
Refer to download at:
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