This guy combines the iPhone X camera with the ARKit to create a black hole right on the iPhone screen

The iPhone X has a lot of cool things that many of us haven't yet fully exploited. Among them is the ARKit suite which is used to create augmented reality applications.

And with each passing day, mobile phone pundits have come up with many new tricks to create the illusionary image "brain hack" on this thousand-dollar iPhone.

Earlier this week, a Swedish guy - artist Peder Norrby - shared a video of an interesting trick he did on his iPhone X.

The video below will show you an image that looks like an endless black hole created entirely by the iPhone X's camera, without using any post-production effects.

Black hole effect on iPhone X

According to Norrby, to create this fancy effect, he used the iPhone X along with the face tracking feature in the ARKit to perform tracking of the user's head movement in 3-dimensional space. He also said it would launch an app called "The Parallax View" completely free of charge on the App Store with the source code so people can try to create the same effect.

Norrby also said that in essence, this is a monoscopic effect, meaning you need to close one eye to be able to enjoy the entire effect. Accordingly, when one eye is closed, and if the iPhone is tracking the user's head movement correctly, the resulting image will look like it is "emerging" from the screen.

Pretty interesting, right? So just to see, the application of AR is in fact very numerous and extremely diverse. In the coming time, we will certainly see more software to make better use of the ARKit features provided by Apple.

Reference: Mashable

Update 12 March 2020


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