This day 30 years ago, the World Wide Web was born!

World wide web abbreviated Web or WWW is one of the first Internet applications was born on March 12, 1989.

World wide web abbreviated Web or WWW is one of the first Internet applications was born on March 12, 1989.

World wide web is a global information space where users can use Internet-connected devices to access browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Coc Coc . to view or create content on it. .

World wide web's father is Tim Berners - Lee, an English physicist and computer expert.

Picture 1 of This day 30 years ago, the World Wide Web was born!

In 1989, when Tim Berners - Lee was 33 years old and working at CERN - European Nuclear Research Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, the idea of ​​creating a channel for his colleagues could be exchanged. Physical research works through computers. After building and developing successfully at CERN, Tim Berners - Lee found that this model could be implemented on a global scale.

In 1990, Tim Berners and Robert Cailliau, his colleague at CERN, proposed using hypertext to link and access information like a network of nodes. Here, users can browse information according to their wishes.

Picture 2 of This day 30 years ago, the World Wide Web was born!

On August 6, 1991, Tim Berners published the first website on the Internet with the address, what is the content of the WWW explanation, how to find the browser and how to set it up web service.

Web was born that changed the world, opened the era of information technology globally. As of 5/2018, there are about 1.8 billion online websites worldwide, according to Quora statistics.

Update 24 May 2019


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