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The screen looks at another angle
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Curved screen makes the outer edges of CHG90 within sight.
If not, you'll have to turn your head quite often and get tired easily. Screen viewing angle is 178 degrees.
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Game play on normal 16: 9 ratio.
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Game screen with 32: 9 ratio on CHG90
Game screen with 32: 9 ratio on CHG90. A video on CHG90 that includes a Battlefield 1 gameplay section that shows this wide viewing angle can give gamers the advantage, such as detecting enemies where conventional 16: 9 screens are not visible. .
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In addition to having a wide viewing angle, the width and curvature of the screen make players enter themselves into more gameplay
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You can even play games on half the screen and use the other half to do other things.
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CHG90 is a combination of two full-size screens, two Full HD (1080p) screens in one, making it suitable for multitasking. 3840 x 1080 resolution can read images twice Full HD, like two monitors without a gap in the middle.
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Here are some important parameters of CHG90.
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You can split the layout with CHG90's software because Windows 10 has no set up or wide screen support.
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This is the software image of CHG90.
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CHG90 costs $ 1500 and users can pre-order from now on Amazon or Micro Center stores.