The 10 most annoying things on the web

With a relatively short time, the World Wide Web has helped many boring and boring tasks in everyday life to be done faster and easier. However there are still some surprises about the action though with l & yac

With a relatively short time, the World Wide Web has helped many boring and boring tasks in everyday life to be done faster and easier. However, there are still some surprises about the actions, whether for this reason or another, that the web is still not completely perfect, but sometimes even annoying. Here we will go into dissecting the most frustrating issues of the Web.

We do this for a lot of guests at an online forum to determine what they think is frustrating for the Web, then ask readers to vote on which issues they find most serious. For each level, we differentiated them by a serious factor - the percentage of readers proved to be "very upset" or "angry" by that problem. We will start with the ingredients that our readers feel most uncomfortable with.

Privacy policy is not clear

Severe coefficient : 69%

Many business websites - especially in the areas of health care and financial services - get sensitive private information from users. Most of these sites set up privacy policies to get information and offer customers' benefits. However, valid jargon in these policies is often arranged so that ordinary customers cannot understand it, thereby leaving their private information on it.

For example,'s online privacy statement is a 2,700 word document that links to a page of 2,600 terms of use in languages ​​that are confusing for ordinary users. Fortunately, pointing out your rights if you don't have JD after your name. Privacy policies on this website allow other small sites to be free to manage private data, which includes the right to use data to market products and services to members, and the right to share data with third parties who do not know - disclose the information of the person who provided their sensitive data.

People on the client side have found this problem very difficult to fix because the owners of the pages (through their delegates) often do their best to avoid legal issues. Obviously, you can deny and opt out of any pages that you suspect may disclose private data. However, it is not enough to hire a lawyer to analyze privacy policies, how can you identify a site that is not reliable before it's too late?

Online forms

Severe coefficient : 65%

Filling out forms online - also involves some important things like a loan application or a news site registration - which can be very frustrating when refreshing the browser. That's because online forms often mix optional fields and required fields without clearly distinguishing between them. So when you fill out the form, you can very well skip one of the important fields, then sometimes you have to start filling out all the pages again because the page has deleted all the forms filled out before. refresh process.

To be fair, things have improved recently when companies understand that user frustration can adversely affect the company. The problem here is easy, the designers just need to clearly mark the necessary fields in different colors (usually red for easy identification). And if the user causes an error, do not delete all fields. To remove everything smoothly, website developers need to highlight the school still needs to fill it out.

The commercialization of the Web

Critical coefficient : 62%

The 10 most annoying things on the web Picture 1The 10 most annoying things on the web Picture 1 Commercial banners, pop-ups or commercial videos are loaded without knowing the user's actions . causing an annoyance to users.

The idea of ​​advertising in free web services is the web's commercial direction. At MySpace, Yahoo even on, such ads often grow very much, causing a lot of annoyance and annoyance that users have no way to avoid. On some messy websites, ads also collide with each other and the real screen for visitors is only a small part. What is the result? Slow connection speeds, slower page loading and reduced user control over the browser.

Ads also affect the content of the Web. When pages evaluate the value of content with the number of readers, it will be attractive for ads, unusual content or miscellaneous content that can be viewed and does not cause sympathy for the number. many readers. 'I have a lot of thoughts on this issue, we have lost the potential of the web - just like we did with TV,' said Mike Tinsley, a user. 'When the Web comes out, it promises a lot of usefulness for education, information and even entertainment. Even so, like TV, the Web has become too much on commercial issues, 'Tinsley added.

The online advertising industry will continue to be innovative, unique and eye-catching advertising formats, so what will have to change. At this point, browser creators and other software utility vendors may delay some of the features designed to contain annoying ads. Microsoft and Mozilla browser design experts should block the animation or promotional video by using control over the site and some reasonable forms. At the very least, they should provide users with a way to manually adjust the settings to block annoying ads.

Demand for standards

Critical coefficient : 58%

Some things also make the reader feel more frustrated than going to the website and being reminded, ' The website you require requires Internet Explorer to work properly '

The root of this problem is the incomplete support of Internet Explorer for the standards used to build websites. Because Internet Explorer controls the largest market of browsers, many web site designers don't adapt to standards but adapt to Internet Explorer. With Firefox's success, more and more sites (from Microsoft sites) work properly on Mozilla's browser. However, the number of Opera or Safari users is still a small number. From providing online applications to newer 2.0 sites, these sites may not load the entire contents of the page on the browser, which requires users to use different browsers for other sites. together.

If browsers are built with a full set of consistent standards, this will not happen. Through each new version Internet Explorer has improved its support for standards, so it is likely that many website developers must constantly modify the code under Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Is there a problem when creating a new document in Google Docs? The advice of this site is so simple that it cannot solve any practical problems.

Sites with high defect in this area are Google Docs, Washington Mutual and Yahoo - none of the companies support Opera and Safari.

In the forum

Critical coefficient : 58%

The Internet can be a broad platform for all types of community interaction, allowing attendees to handle themselves in their own way.

' I hate going to some forums where people just push comments randomly about how many silly people and their religions save ,' said one reader. ' Can we put up topics or make those silly words on our own websites! '

Hiding behind the pseudonym of a Web, bad guys have ruined useful discussions with ridiculous speeches, or things of promiscuousness, words that offend personal dignity and abuse language.

These guys can hide everywhere - in Google or Yahoo newsgroups, in blog comment areas, and on special bulletin boards created to provide technical assistance to users. .

The easy and free exchange of ideas on the Web needs to be managed again and the Web community owners must reduce the discussion and discipline for members. However, such actions are just a few of the effective ways to ensure the politeness and health of online forums. Another method is to allow users to inspect and monitor their own communities by skipping or chasing people who violate the rights of others.

Buy ticket

Critical coefficient : 54%

Sites like Ticketmaster are managed to transform one of the Internet's greatest material benefits - the ability to buy and print tickets with just one click - into one of the biggest fraud actions. Never think auto ticketing companies do not have to pay the costs for components such as employees, hiring and equipment, related to ticket sales at a particular location. there. Never think that they don't need to print the tickets you buy or transfer them to your home., the world's largest ticket agent, added $ 9 'of convenience to pay' for every $ 32.50 ticket for a concert in San Francisco, In addition, it is $ 4.90 for each order's tax. So if you buy a ticket, you must pay an additional 42% of the actual value of a ticket at Ticketmaster! On the contrary, not through this online service, you can buy that ticket at the ticketing point and save nearly $ 14.

One of the reasons Ticketmaster can impose prices is that they only have small competition in ticket business; The company holds exclusive contracts for the rich with the majority of US tournaments. In 1994, popular rock band Pearl Jam complained to the US advisory office about TicketMaster's high ticket price due to their monopoly, but in the end, the office decided that Ticketmaster was completely empty. crime did not break the antitrust laws.

Poor support

Critical coefficient : 49%

Web 2.0 technology supports the distribution of useful applications under many interactive web interfaces, but if you need assistance to intervene through the website, the help section often does not meet the requirements.

That's because the answers are too general. For example, an application may not work properly because a browser plug-in is missing or because other software on the system is incompatible with this new application, but the question and answer page on most sites are not targeted at this specific issue.

Instead of putting up such a useless general help and questions / answers - the failure of the online help system for the real world - companies can invest in forums for ease of use. chat, chat rooms and encouraging customers to support each other under a managed community environment.

The cost of e-books

Critical coefficient : 41%

Publishing and distributing e-books will be much cheaper than our previous practice. No loss of shipping cost. So why do readers have to pay an e-book as an ordinary book? Here is an example: at, the book Rhonda Byrne's The Secret sells for $ 15.29, while at, the same copy is sold for $ 13.17.

Frustration with Web video

Critical coefficient : 38%

The image quality of the videos provided on this Internet is even better, but the lack of content continues to reduce many viewers for online videos.

Some big networks - especially ABC and CBS - have started putting TV shows on the web, but viewers still struggle to find their favorite shows at an affordable price.

In its TV Shows section, Apple's iTunes Store offers $ 1.99 commercials, however Rafat Ali who tracks digital media systems at, says not all shows are included. up because content managers (including HBO) claim that posting an online version of shows will reduce their cable TV market.

' I can't rely on online to buy' Tthe last season of The Sopranos' because HBO will not push it online. It's a big disappointment for many viewers, HBO lovers , 'Ali said. ' There are still many content managers who are reluctant to put everything online . '

The boredom with the virtual world

Critical coefficient : 9%

Given the promise and hype of virtual worlds like the second life, we have made a statistic about the number of readers interested in this issue. More than half of the people in our statistics think so, while the other 25% don't feel annoyed with the quality of the virtual world.

Analyst Christopher Collins of Yankee Group pointed out that while social networks like MySpace and Facebook continue to grow, the largest virtual world, second life, has felt a lower pace of development. since its peak in October 2006.

New members entering the virtual world (many of whom were attracted by the hype of the mass media) often left after struggling with the foundations of their avatar transformation. or communicate with each other in that world. Their efforts are not supported by the user interface of the pages or the software's irregular operation. On October 7, 2007, according to Second Life statistics, its virtual world had nearly 10 million subscriptions (the number of people registered to become members of the site), but only 1.3 million (13%). ) of them log in during the next 30 days. And only about 338,000 of them logged in during the following 7 days.

To appeal to the audience even further, the virtual world must become more user-friendly, adjustable and have everything to do as a real world. This goal can only be achieved if companies operate on them to improve their software, introduce new technologies, learn and listen to opinions from users.

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