How is the Internet and WWW different?

Internet is considered 'giant network'. In essence, it is a bridge between millions of smaller computer networks scattered across the globe. These networks are connected by terrestrial cables, underground cables, satellite links, etc. Meanwhile, the World Wide Web or WWW is a collection of all the information available on the Internet. So all the text, images, audio, online videos - all this constitutes WWW.

Internet is considered ' giant network '. In essence, it is a bridge between millions of smaller computer networks scattered across the globe. These networks are connected by terrestrial cables, underground cables, satellite links, etc. Meanwhile, the World Wide Web or WWW is a collection of all the information available on the Internet. So all the text, images, audio, online videos - all this constitutes WWW.

1. What is the Internet?

Internet is considered ' giant network '. In essence, it is a bridge between millions of smaller computer networks scattered across the globe. These networks are connected by terrestrial cables, underground cables, satellite links, etc.

The word "Internet" refers to all existing hardware infrastructures in the network. This hardware includes computer systems, routers, cables, bridges, servers, cell towers, satellites and other parts.

All pieces of hardware operate under the Internet Protocol (IP) protocol. Different computer devices on the Internet are determined by their IP addresses.

How is the Internet and WWW different? Picture 1How is the Internet and WWW different? Picture 1

2. What is the World Wide Web (WWW)?

The World Wide Web or WWW is a collection of all the information available on the Internet . So all the text, images, audio, online videos - all this constitutes WWW. Most of this information is accessed through the website and we identify the site with the site's domain name. In WWW there is a large amount of information available. Only a small part of this information is searchable through popular search engines like Google. However, most of the information is in the Deep Web and Dark Web .

WWW uses http protocol to access information from different servers. Information is sent in the form of web pages organized in the form of the website. Different web sites are linked through hyperlinks. Different websites and pieces of information on the WWW are identified by the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address of the website.

3. A table comparing the differences between the Internet and WWW

Internet WWW 1

Internet originated in late 1960.

British scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. 2 The nature of the Internet is hardware. The nature of WWW is software. 3 Internet including computers, routers, cables, bridges, servers, cell towers, satellites, .

WWW includes information such as text, images, audio and video.

4 The first version of the Internet is called ARPANET. WWW was originally called NSFNET. 5 Internet works on the basis of Internet Protocol (IP) protocols. WWW works on the basis of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). 6 Independent, independent Internet. WWW requires the Internet to exist. 7 Internet is the father of WWW. WWW is a subset of the Internet. In addition to supporting WWW, the Internet's hardware infrastructure is used for other parts (eg FTP, SMTP). 8 Computer device is determined by IP address.

Information pieces are identified by the Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

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  1. When the network speed is slow, turn this feature off to browse the Web on browsers faster
  1. How do Private Network and Public Network on Windows differ?
  1. How to use Command Prompt to manage wireless networks on Windows 10?

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