The hero preventing WannaCry faces 10 penalties related to malicious code

Marcur Hutchins, a British security expert who once set up a bar to prevent the spread of WannaCry virus last year, now faces allegations of malicious code.

Marcur Hutchins, a British security expert who once set up a bar to prevent the spread of the WannaCry virus last year, now faces allegations of malicious code allegedly created by this guy. out to steal financial information.

Marcus Hutchins has been accused of prosecution by 10 prosecutors in connection with malicious code, including 6 verdicts filed last year. Hutchins denied the allegation and went to Twitter to ask his followers to donate to help pay for his legal fees.

Picture 1 of The hero preventing WannaCry faces 10 penalties related to malicious code

Marcus Hutchins.(Source: BBC)

Hutchins was arrested in August last year on charges of creating a malicious code called Kronos to steal bank passwords and attempt to advertise it on YouTube.

The latest indictment shows, Hutchins and another person have appeared in a YouTube video since 2014 to guide how Kronos works. In addition, Hutchins was accused of creating and distributing malware that could collect other users' personal information called the UPAS kit in 2012.

Journalist Marcy Wheeler who followed the case said that Hutchins' alleged 2012 crimes were out of 5 years and when he was still a minor. In addition, Hutchins sold the UPAS Kit to one person in July 2012, and Kronos was sold to another person in 2015 and no one in the US has been the victim of this malicious code yet.

Hutchins' lawyers hope their clients will be dismissed from all charges and returned to work to keep people safe from malware.

See more:

  1. Warning of new malware appear like Wannacry, capable of deleting Vietnamese percussion on computer
  2. What to do when the computer is infected with a virus that fights virtual money?
  3. 5 biggest ransomware attacks in the last 5 years
Update 24 May 2019


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