The hero destroys the captured WannaCry because he suspected of creating a trojan to attack the bank

Marcus Hutchins, a British malware researcher who successfully attacked the WannaCry ransomware attack was arrested in Las Vegas on suspicion of writing malware.

Hutchins, or Twitter's Malware TechBlog, was arrested after attending a DEF CON hacking conference in Nevada. The FBI arrested the 23-year-old man at the airport when he was about to fly back to Blighty after summer vacation.

According to the indictment, Hutchins was allegedly created and shared the Kronos bank trojan from July 2014 to July 2015. He was accused of creating Kronos, updating the code in February 2015 with an accomplice.

The co-conspirator was also informed of Kronos promotion on hacker forums, sold at least one for $ 2,000 and offered another version for a third party for $ 3,000. The US government also said that on June 11, 2015, Hutchins himself intentionally sold this attack code in the United States.

Kronos is a variant of the famous Zeus malware, the malware silently infected the PC and stole victims' bank account information around the world. Bad guys can buy copies of Kronos, spread over the Internet via spam or download trap files. It is said to sell for $ 7,000 and this is an ad describing what it can do.

  1. Stealing bank account information from Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome on Windows machines.
  2. Push opponent trojans and avoid detection by 32-bit and 64-bit rootkits.
  3. Overcome antivirus software and unspecified sandboxes.
  4. Communicate with C&C coding.

The way this malware is packaged is also very advanced. With a $ 1,000 deposit, bad guys can try it out before buying and there are add-on modules and support devices.

The hero destroys the captured WannaCry because he suspected of creating a trojan to attack the bank Picture 1The hero destroys the captured WannaCry because he suspected of creating a trojan to attack the bank Picture 1
The hero who defeated the WannaCry was arrested for suspecting the Kronos trojan

Until he was officially convicted, of course Hutchins was still innocent. His friends also voiced their support and said he studied the virus, not the virus. A few months ago, Hutchins was praised for finding a way to destroy the ransomware that is dangerous throughout the WannaCry world. During the hearing in Las Vegas, he denied the crime. The jury ruled that Hutchins could be bailed for $ 30,000 and said he was not in danger but he would still have to stay in the United States and be subject to GPS surveillance.

Adrian Lobo, Hutchins 'defense attorney said,' We will try to defend. He's devoted to studying malware, not harming others. He supports the community very much, both locally and worldwide. '

Along with the alleged offender, Hutchins will face six hacking-related crimes, including eavesdropping, infringement of the Computer Abuse and Fraud Act. If convicted, Hutchins will face up to 40 years in prison.

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