The hero WannaCry Marcus 'MalwareTech' Hutchins will not be imprisoned - a common victory for white-hat global hackers

This can be considered a truly triumphant victory for not only Marcus Hutchins, but also for global white-hat hackers.

Yes, this can be considered a truly triumphant victory for not only Marcus Hutchins, but also for global white-hat hackers who simply perform regular checks and exploits. , or write code related to malware . but it is inadvertently that they violate some of the information security laws which are supposed to be very lax, although in essence they do not have intentionally harm the security situation.

Marcus Hutchins is a renowned security researcher with an important role in the WannaCry malware attack campaign in 2017, causing more than 75,000 computers in 150 countries to be affected. Two years ago, the notorious WannaCry extortion code was launched globally to make the world as shaky as it was, when Marcus Hutchins was on vacation with his family and received countless words. Demand 'quickly joined the fight against WannaCry from many major security organizations.

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The hero WannaCry Marcus 'MalwareTech' Hutchins will not be imprisoned - a common victory for white-hat global hackers Picture 1The hero WannaCry Marcus 'MalwareTech' Hutchins will not be imprisoned - a common victory for white-hat global hackers Picture 1 Hero WannaCry Marcus 'MalwareTech' Hutchins

Marcus was "dragged" out of the holiday to become a pioneer in this war, and indeed he did not disappoint the world by finding a method called 'kill switch', which helps to slow down and stop Completely remove this scary malware. With his contributions, Marcus Hutchins was named "the WannaCry hero".

However, just a few months after the incident, Marcus Hutchins was arrested by the FBI with allegations of making and distributing other malicious codes in 2014, before he "converted the righteous man", becoming become a white-hat hacker and stop the "WannaCry" malicious code. Specifically from July 2014 to July 2015, Hutchins created and shared Kronos bank trojan, specializing in stealing login information and user passwords to hijack their bank accounts. With this allegation, Marcus Hutchins could face a five-year sentence and a fine of up to 250,000 for each charge.

However, at the recent trial in Milwaukee, the federal judge ruled Marcus Hutchins was detained for a year and then returned to his home country in England under the supervision of authorities. . In addition, Marcus Hutchins will not have to pay any fine.

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The hero WannaCry Marcus 'MalwareTech' Hutchins will not be imprisoned - a common victory for white-hat global hackers Picture 2The hero WannaCry Marcus 'MalwareTech' Hutchins will not be imprisoned - a common victory for white-hat global hackers Picture 2 Marcus Hutchins will soon be released and not subject to any fines.

Back to the problems 2 years ago. Marcus Hutchins was arrested in 2017, as soon as these white-hat hacker WannaCry projects are still underway, causing considerable frustration among global security circles.

However, prosecutors, who tried to impose a more severe sentence on Marcus Hutchins, did not seem happy. They simply follow the applicable law provisions, which are based on the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. In the sentence submitted to Judge Peter Stadtmueller, there is a paragraph:

'Marcus Hutchins is like a young man who made a mistake, put his talent in the wrong place, then one day he realized he was wrong, and tried to change, create products, Better security system, even become a hero in the security world. Marcus Hutchins deserves to receive the trust of the community, but the law was born to ensure the fairness of society, and he will still be responsible for what he has done in the past. '

In April this year, Hutchins agreed with a plea agreement with the US government. In it, the hacker accepted two allegations against him, in exchange for an offer to prosecute prosecutors to reject eight other charges. Thus, the remaining 2 charges for each charge are fined $ 250,000, plus a maximum of 5 years in prison.

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After a time in custody in Milwaukee, Hutchins was allowed to move to Los Angeles. Here, he shared a lot on Twitter about the difficulties of adapting to new life and frustration when living in limbo, not knowing what his fate will be.

Besides, Hutchins also expressed contempt for the mistakes he had made as a cyber criminal, and said it was the darkest time of his life. In a public statement released on his personal blog earlier this year, Marcus Hutchins wrote that he would take full responsibility for all the troubles he had caused in the past.

'I regret and have blamed myself a lot for past actions, and will accept full responsibility for my mistakes. I realized the mistake and will correct it. I have been, and will be, using all the skills and knowledge I have for the righteous purpose. I will continue to take the time to build systems that help keep people safe from malware attacks'.

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The hero WannaCry Marcus 'MalwareTech' Hutchins will not be imprisoned - a common victory for white-hat global hackers Picture 3The hero WannaCry Marcus 'MalwareTech' Hutchins will not be imprisoned - a common victory for white-hat global hackers Picture 3 It would be a big loss for the security world if a young talent like Marcus Hutchins was trapped in the cell, but fortunately it didn't happen.

Although this belief is unlikely to help Marcus Hutchins return to the country he called home during the past 2 years - the United States, but at least his life and work will soon return to normal. Those who spend a lot of interest in the security situation - cyber security, is probably now the time to be happy with Hutchins. Everyone makes mistakes when young, the difference lies only in how the mistake results. Hutchins had made a big mistake at the age of not thinking thoroughly, but he knew how to make a mistake and correct it, so when he was really mature, Hutchins lived a spotless life. contribute to the fight against cyberattacks that he had previously helped create.

It would be a big loss for the security world if a young talent like Marcus Hutchins was trapped in four cell walls, instead of doing his extremely important work in the context of cyber attacks on the day. become more sophisticated today. At the same time, the fact that Marcus Hutchins was not in jail would have a very positive impact on the belief of the white-hat hacker community before the law.

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The hero WannaCry Marcus 'MalwareTech' Hutchins will not be imprisoned - a common victory for white-hat global hackers Picture 4The hero WannaCry Marcus 'MalwareTech' Hutchins will not be imprisoned - a common victory for white-hat global hackers Picture 4 The law will need to be modified to become more fair to white-hat hackers

From here, the law will have to be fairer for those who are fighting day and night to protect peace on cyberspace. All we can do is hope that justice will be enforced, more strongly and thoroughly. Once again, congratulations to Marcus Hutchins and the global white hat hacker!

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