The hard drive contained the information of more than 29,000 stolen Facebook employees

Bad luck will still be on Facebook until the end of 2019.

Bad luck will remain with Facebook until the end of 2019. According to a Bloomberg report, an unencrypted hard drive containing the information of more than 29,000 Facebook employees was stolen. Specifically, the thief took this storage device after successfully breaking into the car of an employee working for Facebook on the evening of November 17, but not until 11/29, the board Facebook leaders only got to know the preliminary information about the incident, and they continue to keep it secret for 2 more weeks before giving notice to the affected people.

Notably, this hard drive contains information about thousands of employees recruited by Facebook in 2018, including some extremely sensitive personal data such as bank account numbers, employee names, four last digits of social security book, salary, bonus and equity details.

Although the stolen hard drive does not contain any Facebook user data, the theft still raises questions about the company's level of caution in ensuring the privacy of its personal data. as well as the privacy of not only users but also their employees. A hard drive that contains such a large amount of personal data but is not encrypted is clearly not acceptable.

Picture 1 of The hard drive contained the information of more than 29,000 stolen Facebook employees

In addition, the fact that this hard drive is in the personal car of a Facebook employee is also a need to be properly explained. A Facebook spokesman said the person had taken the hard drive out of the office without permission, and speculated it was a random, unintentional theft of the hard drive and the amount of data stored. inside.

No cases of abuse related to lost data were recorded. Currently, Facebook is still actively working with the police to recover data from the stolen hard drive, and provide employees affected with free theft and credit monitoring service for 2 years. .

Update 15 December 2019


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