Search results: total solar eclipse

if you missed the recent total solar eclipse event in the united states, there are still many opportunities to observe this phenomenon in the near future...

on april 8, just a few hours before the total solar eclipse, an amateur astronomer discovered a small comet 'sungrazer' very close to earth and took a picture of it before the

on april 8, some places in north america witnessed a total solar eclipse - a scene considered 'once in a lifetime'. this total solar eclipse - nicknamed the great american eclipse

a total solar eclipse will take place on april 8 across north america, and it could be the most watched solar eclipse ever.

every location on earth is in the shadow of at least one total solar eclipse, but some places experience more of these events than others. for example, a person living north of the

if you observe the solar eclipse directly without the use of protective devices, our eyes are prone to ultraviolet rays causing burns to the cornea, pain, loss of vision for hours,

astronomers in central africa, madagascar and the south indian ocean will have the opportunity to see the fascinating natural eclipse of the day.

on august 21, 2017, the transcontinental solar eclipse will take place in the us and facebook will send an invitation to watch the most spectacular astronomical event of 2017 by