let's tipsmake.com refer to top 10 books to improve thinking ability for programmers in this article!
there are habits that seem to be not good, but to some extent it can be a sign that your intelligence is very high.
in our lives there are strange things, seemingly absurd, but it is always true truth. if you don't believe, read through this article!
according to many studies, people who feel happy and happy to spend a lot of time alone, separate from others, are not alone, but because you have a higher iq. those people only.
scientists found that: eq is the key to helping a person succeed. this connection is so strong that 90% of successful people have a high eq.
scientists claim that people who like cats more than dogs, who often think a lot, who are messy or have a slender body, are more likely to own iqs than others.
a recent scientific study has shown that children's intelligence is inherited from the mother, not from both parents.
regular diets appear the following items will reduce the ability of thinking, learning and creativity.
a serious and unintended harm comes from anesthesia for children before the age of four, which has been found by the medical community.
if your child's dream can become extremely successful in whatever you choose to do in the future, here are three views from jack ma that parents can apply to teach their children