Search results: interview questions

when i went to an interview, many employers gave me a key question for the interview: why should we recruit you? , will you answer that question coolly and satisfactorily to

if you are going to a java interview, preparing for java programming language questions is necessary. these java interview questions are compiled from tutorialspoint and are

apple often asks about expertise (based on work experience) and intellectual challenges. for example, applying for a position at apple's retail store. you will be asked how to

extremely difficult interview questions and know-how to get an answer that impresses employers shared by an experienced career coach.

there is no general formula for all answers, but the employer's intention to ask questions is often predictable.

if you go north for a mile, go west for a mile, go south for a mile and you still return to the original starting point. so where were you?

if you are an animal, what do you want to be? or if you were to become a superman, who would you like to be ... - these questions are all employers' psychological games.

a simple question but enough for employers to assess your ability to handle situations.

be alert so you don't get caught by the employer in the interview.

prashant bagdia is a candidate who entered the interview round of microsoft. professional questions do not make prashant bagdia difficult, but when the last question is asked, he