in the cardboard-clad scenario, the sars-cov-2 virus lasted 3 times longer than sars: 24 hours compared to 8 hours. but they die faster on copper surfaces. sars-cov-2 disappeared

from the 'relegation' from the position of the world's second largest outbreak and the surprisingly low mortality rate, one can clearly see the power of the korean health sector.

the blood flowing into ecmo is taken to an artificial lung, where it is removed from carbon dioxide and replenished with oxygen. the artificial lung itself in the ecmo machine is

seegene is producing about 10,000 test kits each week and each can test 100 patients, which means they are producing enough kits for 1 million screening cases each week, with only
![[Infographic] How do you know if you have Covid-19 or just the common cold?](https://tipsmake.com/img/no-image.png)
if you have symptoms of covid-19 but do not feel too bad, do not panic, you may only have a common cold or flu. if you've never been in close contact with a positive person with

measures to keep social distance include mandatory isolation for those who have been infected, tracing and contacting people who have been in contact with sick people, quarantining

in fact, the new strain 2019-ncov does not have a unique name like its corona siblings: sars and mers. it is classified in the group of anonymous corona viruses, denoted only by

one final note when using an alcohol-based dry hand wash in covid-19 is that you should not use it when your hands are visibly soiled. if your hands are greasy, sandy or any

for humans, risks and risks are a feeling - that is, what determines our fears is not simply objective facts, but also how they are perceived.

scientists say that both sars and codid-19 attack ace2 receptors on the surface of lung cells. in addition, sars has previously attacked both the patient's intestines and kidneys,

don't let misleading information confuse you in the covid-19 epidemic.

unlike the sars virus in 2003, infected people had only the highest transmission after 10 days of onset of symptoms - when the viral load in their nasal and throat secretions was
![[Infographic] 13 false rumors about corona virus: WHO explains why they are all unscientific](https://tipsmake.com/img/no-image.png)
antibiotics are not against viruses, they are only against bacteria. the new corona virus is a virus strain and therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a preventive or

'disposable paper towels are recognized as the fastest and most effective way to remove residual moisture, which can create an opportunity for microorganisms to spread. this is

a flight with only the pilot and crew, absolutely no other passengers.

a proper step in covid-19.

young people who have no sense of social responsibility can infect the elderly, or people with chronic diseases with weakened immune systems, who have high mortality rates if they

the chaos in korea's supply chain is entirely understandable in the context of the extremely raging covid-19 epidemic in china and south korea.